Chapter 30

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Come with me By Surfaces & Salem ilese


I failed

I failed big time.

Why the fuck did I do that again?

I thought me and Harry would have a great run, well we did, but I didn't know we would both do something again after we said one time only.

I'm starting to think the one-time thing was a lie.

But oh my god it felt so fucking good, the way Harry's thighs felt was something else, I never even imagined that's a thing people do, I definitely needed it that's for sure.

No no no, what am I saying? I can't believe I'm actually thinking of this right now, it's so wrong of me to think this stuff and do it with him.

He has no problem with it at all which is very fucking strange, maybe he does but he's not telling me. Honestly, if we ever got caught what we were doing he'll get fired from his job. I'm pretty sure doing something dirty with your student mother is wrong.

I know I should've stopped it, but if you saw what Harry looked like you would have done the same thing.

No, I have to stop this right now.

I have to stop thinking about this especially when I'm in bed.

I dropped off Greyson 2 hours ago at school and it's 10 o'clock now. When I saw Harry this morning he waved at me which shocked me. I am slightly seeing a change in him, I just hope it will last because with him you never know.

Speaking of Greyson he was so freaking cute this morning, my heart couldn't take it.

I told him Bella's birthday's Friday but sadly he of course can't go, plus it's Friday Finns with him, and also it's a party with alcohol, but he told me he wants to get her a gift which was so sweet.

His exact words were, "I saved up money this summer in my piggy bank and I wanna give aunt Bella something" my heart was melting.

I give him 5 dollars every single week when he cleans his room or puts his toys away.

I told him I will pay for the gift, I of course wouldn't let my son pay, but he said he wanted to. I just said okay but obviously, that's a lie. I just said that because he was gonna be late for school, so after school I'm gonna take him somewhere to buy Bella a gift then we'll go to Starbucks and give it to her. She usually doesn't work on Wednesdays, but she told me last night someone called in sick but she didn't care she loves the money.

I still can't stop thinking about Harry and what he said to me yesterday.

"I'm not sure if this could be a one time thing anymore, because I think I'm fucking addicted" his words are on repeat in my head.

Why did he say that to me? Were his words true? He probably said that to scare me that's all.

I know that was the last time I'll ever do something with him, it won't happen again.

I should get up now and eat breakfast then get dressed. I'm going shopping today with Violet and Joey. Violet needs a dress for Bella's party Friday. She has a million dresses I don't understand why she wants another one but she does, and I invited Joey yesterday I texted him to come with us. Bella gave me his number and he said Yes in a heartbeat, will be going to Gucci as well today to see Roman.

It's a very nice store, but just thinking about it reminds me of when I was gonna put on lingerie when Harry was right next to the wall in the other dressing room.

I have to get Harry out of my mind, it's like I think of him 24/7 and that ain't good.

It's noon now and I'm in my car heading to lunch. I was gonna eat home, but Violet called me before I ate something, and said Joey and her are hungry so they wanted me to eat with them.

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