Chapter 50

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Crazy By Nothing But Thieves

I Miss you all <3

Happy Chapter 50! 🎉 That's such a huge accomplishment for me you have no idea, I thought I would never make it past one, thanks for sticking with me, and I just have to get something off my chest if you don't like my book don't read it simple as that, love you guys. ❤️


I better start making my funeral arrangements now.

Because this right here, this is how I'm gonna die.

My baby sister walking in on me and my girlfriend naked in bed after sex.

Put that on my tombstone.

"Ava!" I shout to her grabbing my leather pants off the ground and putting them on fast, lucky there is easy to get into then I get my blazer on as well. "Wait!"

"I'm leaving, I'm s-sorry I didn't see anything I swear," Ava says covering her eyes.

Yeah sure, like I'm gonna believe that, I had the sheet over me thank god but Ruby, on the other hand her breast were out.

I look over at her and she has the sheets curled up on top of her, literally looking like a snowball I can't even see her face I only see her red hair peaking out.

"No, wait!" I shout to her again but she's out the door, I turn to Ruby real quick. "Stay here for a second I need to find her" But she gives me no answer. "Baby, I know you can hear me, answer me and stay here please"

"Okay... I'll just stay here," she says in the quietest voice ever.

"I'm gonna fix this" that's all I say then head out the door to find Ava.

This seriously cannot be happening we were doing so good trying to keep this a secret, and then above all my sister has to catch us.

It's like deja vu when I found her with Niall now the tables have turned on me, it's not okay we're fucking siblings for crying out It's so wrong. I go out in the hallway trying to run and find her, but I stop short because I see her leaning on the wall.

"Ava let me explain-"

"Explain what?! Me walking in on you and-"

"Please stop" I cut her off whispering to make sure no one can hear us. "Please come into my office now"

I thought she wouldn't listen to me, I thought she would run off and tell everyone what she saw but she's not, she agrees and follows me to my office we get in and I lock the door.

Ava looks pissed, her arms are crossed ready to yell at me it looks like steam is coming out of her head like a devil, just how I felt when I found her with Niall.

"First off how did you get in there? The door was locked" I ask.

"No it wasn't you idiot, the door was creaked open a little, I was trying to find the bathroom in the dark, by the way, you really should put up lights in the hallway," She says.

What? I locked the door I know I did, didn't I?

"Okay, but It doesn't give you the right to fucking barge in there, and you know where the bathrooms are it's not hard to find in the dark"

"Fuck the bathrooms!" She says throwing her hands up. "Harry, how could you do that? She's the mother to one of your students!"

How does she know that? I mean I don't have a problem with it, I just never told her, I'm not sure Ruby would say something about that either.

"Who told you that?"

"Ruby" oh, well I was wrong, "By the bar earlier when she was working, do you realize what you're doing? Harry, you can get fired from your job"

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