Chapter 68

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O Holy Night By Mariah Carey


"Harry please, for the millionth time, I'll set the table, please go freshen up"

"It's alright Ava I got it, everything has to be perfect"

She grabs the glass plate out of my hands placing it on the table. "And it will be more than perfect, it's Christmas after all"

Today is Christmas.

The most magical time of year.

I'm trying to stay positive especially today but I'm a drowning reck every since second of this week.

I invited Ruby- well Ava did on Tuesday when she and Ruby went out for lunch. To be honest I didn't even think of it but I'm glad she asked her.

Ruby being Ruby made sure it was alright with me and of course, it is, it was just last minute. Her family is coming here around twelve and it's ten O'clock now.

We decided to open gifts when everybody got here, well our gifs for them.

Roman and Joey will also be here too because both their parents are assholes and don't accept them the way they are, I always feel bad for them so I asked and they're more than happy to join.

"No Ava for real, this seriously has to be the best possible day, this is my first girlfriend ever in life and I'm screwing it up as it is, please I can set it up"

She crosses her arms furiously at me. "No really? I did not know that" she says sarcastically. "Harry, you're my brother and I love you, but you get way too worried about everything, it'll be fine, now please take a shower and get dressed I've got this all under control, you've done way too much this week, with buying and making the food, and setting up the decorations, and buying the Christmas I'm still mad you didn't let me paid half"

We bought a beautiful tree Monday night, and when I told Ava I was waiting until she came here so we can pick it out together like old times she of course started to ball like a baby, but there's no way I'll let her pay.

I give in letting her set up the table, even though I don't want to she's the guest, but I seriously have to calm the fuck down.

"Wait Harry" she stops me before I leave to go upstairs and take a shower. "You swear Ruby doesn't know yet? about Diana, you and the baby?"

"Shhh, Ava keep your voice down" I walk up to her closely. "Mum can come in the room any second" And yes my mother is here. "No she doesn't, and as I said keep reminding you, Diana is lying straight to her teeth, I know for a fact I'm not the father and frankly I don't believe she's even pregnant"

"This is all too fucking much" she throws her hands out. "I only met her a few times so I truly don't know what she's like, but are you positive?"

"Yes, I'm positive" I demand. "She wants to make me scared and get a rise off of me, she wants to be in a relationship with me and take my money and to get out of jail so I feel sorry for her that's all"

She signs in a sad tone. "Okay I understand, I'm always on your side Harry...but you have to tell Ruby, you cannot keep this away from her, she's helped you through so much, she has every right to know what's happening"

Besides Ruby who I trust, of course I trust my sister and I had to tell her who ran me over. I even showed her the graphic video of me getting ran over with blood coming out of my body, she ended up running to the sink and threw up after she saw my blood.

When I showed her, she wanted to go where Diana was staying and attack her, believe me, she would. Then when I told her that Diana said she was pregnant with my baby she almost fainted.

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