Chapter 28

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Brand New Day By Kodaline


Why am I hearing loud car honks?

I feel a cool breeze hitting my face and I feel like I'm in a tight space all cuddled up.

I also feel the sun on my face waking me up, I wanna keep my eyes sealed shut, but it's too late. The brightness of it was so powerful it took me away from my slumber and I cracked my eyelids open.

I was sleeping outside on a balcony, and it's Harry's club balcony I'm on one of the lounge chairs laying down.

I also feel something hard on my chest, and I feel a tickle of hair on my chin. I peek down and see Harry nuzzled into my neck snoring softly in a deep sleep. He looks so relaxed so at peace with himself, I'm thinking he hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while.

I would never in a million years think I would see him in this position but he is, this weekend had to of been the most bazaar

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I would never in a million years think I would see him in this position but he is, this weekend had to of been the most bazaar.

I can't believe what we did, I honestly don't even know why we did it. But I also take full responsibility because we both let it happen, it probably was wrong but it was just a one-time thing so there's nothing to be worried about.

Plus I know he's not Greyson's teacher forever and I won't work at the club my whole life, I won't see him forever.

I do love the club, but I definitely would love to find something better, but right now it's great.

Yesterday was so painful for both of us, but especially Harry. I don't understand why his parents ignored him as a child.

His father is a fucking asshole, I don't give a fuck if I say that, it's true. I don't know every single detail of what went on in his life, and if he wants to keep it private I understand, but it hurts me that he had a bad childhood. It honestly sounded to me that his parents didn't love him, thinking about it makes me tear up. His father just had to bring up the topic he's getting remarried, when we were actually having a great time at Starbucks.

I know Harry was upset, I can tell he wanted to cry but he was holding it in. As I said I don't really know his life, but I think he just wanted a perfect family but his wish didn't come true.

I also couldn't believe I told him that my parents died. I couldn't help it, because I remember him saying it at the park when I ran into him and his father yelling, then after that, he said go on tell me you have a perfect family, he didn't say it once he said it twice to me.

I was crying so hard yesterday when he dropped me off at my apartment. He knows nothing about me it was so wrong of him to say that.

I don't know why I opened up with him yesterday, but he as well did the same with me a little. I think we were both so hurt it kinda slipped up.

I feel the cool air hit my face again, thank god it didn't rain yesterday or I'll be soaking wet. I gently grasp my phone out of my jacket pocket, I check the time and it's 7 o'clock on the dot, even though I don't wanna, I have gotta wake up Harry because he has to be at work in an hour.

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