Chapter 60

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Hopelessly Devoted To You By Olivia Newton John

First off I would like to apologize, I'm so terribly sorry of course I didn't forget about my story, if you didn't know and you aren't following me on twitter, I'm dealing with mental health issues & I had to take a BIG Break, but I'm back and I'm so happy, grateful, healthy, excited for you to continue my story if you can because it will be ending this year.

Also I'm about to hit 1 Million views?? OMG! That's crazy! All because of you guys I love you so much, & missed you all dearly 💙.


I wake up with the ray of sunlight beaming over my face, I hear the birds chirping through the window on this beautiful morning day.

White clouded bed sheets cling on top of my body and I realize I'm naked, yup full on naked, I then stretch my arms yawning feeling freshly...fucked.

And I couldn't be happier.

I knew I wanted Harry yesterday even before shit went down with that asshole in the lobby. I seriously can't believe he would have the nerve to see Harry again after he made his life a living hell. I just hope what Harry and I did last night he doesn't think it was a distraction, believe me, I love distracting him in sexual ways but it wasn't like that at all yesterday.

Slowly I turn my body to the right and I see that Harry isn't beside me. I ended up sleeping over I was tired and I also didn't wanna drive home it was too cold outside.

I wonder where he is?

I try to stand up but my body shuts down when I move, maybe we shouldn't of had sex twice last night.

We fucked in the shower and in his bed.

The both of us woke up around 3 am just talking and whatnot and then things escalated, we were both very touchy and turned on so we ended up having sex again.

We were so gentle and slow with each other in a cuddle position it felt so fucking good to be in his arms I never thought I would ever be, he whispered how much he missed me and what an idiot he was for leaving me, and how beautiful I am with him taking in every thrust he had.

And speaking of the shower, the water being turned off that did actually happen. I thought it was a joke at first but it completely shut off everyone's water.

I was in shock because Harry called down stairs and the front desk already had complaints about the water being off from neighbors, Harry couldn't stop laughing so he hung up.

It did eventually go on, Harry did say It's probably not his fault because he says his building has been having problems with the water for a while, thank goodness everything is back to normal.

I manage to get up slow as a turtle, I see one of Harry's long white work button shirts and black briefs so I slip them on, he said before we went to bed he'll clean my clothes in the morning and lay out a work shirt of his and shorts, I didn't know shorts meant briefs to him.

I actually told him I'll love to wear one of his shirts one day so I guess I will be wearing one this morning, and my guess he's in the laundry room cleaning my clothes.

When I step out into the hallway I hear a loud clicking noise, what the hell is that? I think to myself. I look down to my right and I see a door wide open it's most likely the laundry room Harry's probably in there.

As I make my way down by the door my heart immediately drops to my stomach in full panic.

I see Harry pointing a gun straight at my face.

"What the fuck?!" I scream to death running out.

"S-shit, Ruby it's not what it looks like" he shouts running out with the gun still in his hands, I back away so fast I almost trip and fall to the ground. "Ruby-"

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