Chapter 55

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Hostage By Billie Eilish

TW!! Physical Abuse, talking about Suicide.

No perspective.
Harry age 10, summer of July.

It's summertime, and Harry can't be more thrilled he loves the summer.

He loves hanging out with Vanessa and Ava, he loves going to the park, eating ice cream, going to the town pool, and the beach, and doing arts and crafts.

But he also hates summer.

That's because he's around his family more.

Except for Ava he loves spending time with her, but his parents he doesn't wanna be around them one bit.

This summer changed everything for him, his life was ruined because of what that horrible man did to him.

"We're almost at your dad's, fifth teen minutes to go," Harry's mother says through the review mirror to Harry and Ava. "So you guys excited?"

Harry wanted to say no, but he doesn't wanna seem rude.

"I can't wait!" Ava beams up first in her cute tiny voice. "I'm so excited mommy, to go in the pool, and to get ice cream, like daddy said"

And Harry is excited about when he'll be back in California where he lives.

"About that sweetheart..." Harry's mum says awkwardly. "Your dad maybe has to work while you're both there, so Harry you're probably gonna have to watch your sister"

"But you said dad has off of work when we're there," Harry says.

Harry's mother stops at a red light and turns quickly to him. "Son, I don't make the rules, that's what he told me"

"But mum-"

"Do you want money?" She asks him viciously but without him responding. "Well do you? Answer me"


"I-I" Harry's mother mocks him. "The answer is yes! so I suggest you be quiet about this, and if your father says you have to watch her, you will watch her end of discussion"

Harry doesn't say anything but nods his head at her as she then drives off again. He loves his baby sister more than anything, but he doesn't want the responsibility to watch her he's only ten years old.

"I'm sorry Harry," Ava says softly.

"It's okay Ava, we're gonna have fun this summer right?" He asks her with a smile to seem like everything is fine but when really he's in sadness.

"Right, we're gonna have so much fun," Ava says back.

After that Harry talks to Ava more about what they'll hope to do this summer at their dad's house. They'll be staying there for about three weeks which is rare, but that's because during the school year they barely see their father.

Harry couldn't care less, but Ava gets upset about it because she loves her father.

He wishes and still hopes that his parents would love him just like they love Ava, he's 10 now and he still never received love from them.

"We're here! We're here!" Ava smiles jumping up and down in her car seat. "Harry look we're here!"

Ava points to their dad's white mansion house, which looks like something out of a movie like The Great Gatsby, okay maybe not like that but it's pretty huge.

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