Chapter 65

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Everlong By Foo Fighters


This place looks different.

In a bad way.

It's rotten in filth, the smell burns my nostrils, I even think I see mold on the hallway walls.


This place use to be spot on clean, with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, shiny tile floors, sparkling glass windows, and colorful flowers everywhere.

Oh but no, it's rubbish and nothing more.

I make my way to the door not giving a flying fuck if it's two O'clock in the morning on a Friday night, I knock, and knock, and knock, and thirds times a charm the door comes swinging open...finally.

"Hey Diana"

I went to say hello to Diana, my good old friend...and the chick I had the friends with benefits thing with, and she use to be one of my strippers.

"H-Harry?" She yawns on the spot stretching her arms. "Styles? "What time is it? Is that really you?"

"I don't know" I lie. "And yeah it is me, may I come inside?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," She says holding the doorknob tightly. "What are you even doing here? fuck, you show up out of the blue, seriously what time is it?"

She's always been one to ask too many questions making my head explode, like shut up and let me fuck you.

Instead of me being nice, I'm an asshole and walk passed her straight into her apartment. Right away I see brown boxes piled all over the living room, some say bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, it's all empty her place, it looks like she's moving out?

"Hey," I turn around to see her moving her platinum blonde hair out of her face. "Are you moving out?"

"Umm yeah, these boxes aren't furniture," She says annoyingly in a sarcastic way. "Seriously Harry why the fuck are you here-"

"Where to?" I stop her. "Where are you moving to?"

She closes the door a little too harshly and comes up to me with a grin rolling her eyes obnoxiously. "And why do you care? You fucking left me, you broke my heart Harry so why do you care where I'm going?"

I take her hand in mine to make her shut up. "I do care, I missed you"

She laughs evilly. "Really Harry? Cry me a fucking river"

"I'm sorry but I did" I lift her chin lightly. "Things change, I missed you so fucking much Diana, can we please sit on the couch and catch up"

"Harry I don't-"

"Please" I cup her cheeks. "Just for a few minutes, I couldn't stop thinking about you, especially tonight you were on my mind driving me fucking crazy"

She looks for answers in my eyes but she'll never find them. I've known Diana for three years, she's one of the best strippers I've ever seen, I can tell when she's nervous that her eye start to twitch, just like it's doing right about now.

"Fine" She gives in and leads the way with us sitting down on the couch.

Of course, being the whore she is, she isn't wearing a bra underneath her thin light pink tank top. She makes sure I get a closer look at her nipples when she leans forward.

"Now I want the goddamn truth" She snaps instantly. "Why are you here? I thought you made yourself clear, the last time we saw each other was in October and you fired me"

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