Chapter 75

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My Birthday Party By The 1975

*2 Weeks Later February 1st, 2022*



My younger self would have punched me so hard in the face by now, even just by thinking or even saying that vicious word. I thought.

Now I understand why tons of people go, it truly is an incredible source, it's like medicine without taking pills or liquids, it's talking to somebody and letting out your deep problems in your life without any judgment whatsoever.

Throughout my teen years and my mid twenties, I always thought therapy was a curse.

I thought it did nothing good for people, that it was a stupid ass job, and nobody wants to help others except themselves, Like why the hell would I pay money for someone to listen to my problems? it's a migraine itself, to be honest.

Surprisingly my therapist pays full attention to me and shows me that she truly cares, and she asks me questions I never even thought about before, she always makes sure I'm comfortable here, I swear one time I had to think for like ten minutes straight on what I was gonna say when she asked me something difficult.

This is the first time in two weeks I'm back, and I usually go to group therapy sessions but today I switched it up and requested a private session.

It honestly feels like the first time all over again, I'm a nerve wrecking ticking bomb and it's only been about twenty minutes in an hour session.

"Harry, is everything alright? You've been not responding, you're not sick, are you? Do you need tea or a caprisun?" Dr. Monroe my therapist asks.

I pitch the bridge on my nose. "Dr. Please don't recall it like that"

"I'm sorry?" I hear her laugh because she always likes to joke. "But you love your kiddy juice it's so cute, the last time I saw you, you had three and you specifically requested more especially the strawberry kiwi flavor"

I groan leaning up against the couch. "I didn't say that"

"Oh, you most certainly did" She Points. "You even asked for more frosted animal sugar cookies-"

"Alright, alright" I wave my hands down. "Please let's keep that between us, now how are your children doing?"

"Oh no, Mr. Styles" She moves one finger. "I know you're trying to change the subject on me but it's not gonna work with me, nope. My kids are great, but this is about you, don't you miss talking to me? It's been 2 weeks since we haven't talked to each other I know you have so much built out in you after what happened with Ruby"

Yeah, I do. Too much for anyone to handle let alone myself. I feel sorry for myself that I'm even in this mess I don't deserve it but at the same time, I do.

"I know I'm a pain in the ass " I let out and no she's not one of the types that hates curse words because when I first heard her speak she cursed. "Every day is a challenge for me, I'm not sure if it'll ever get easier, I still have a heeled but yet broken heart"

And yes like in all movies or TV shows, you see a therapist scribbling down on a notebook, she is doing the same thing.

She is a wonderful therapist, she's married for about thirty years, is in her sixties and has three grown up children"

"A heeled but yet broken heart" She hums. "Not too sure what you mean by that Harry, please explain"

"Well, my heart feels healed because of Ruby" I place a hand on my heart immediately beating just by saying her name. "She's led me out of my darkness and the agony and pain I've been suffering, she's my survivor and saving grace the love I have for her is indescribable, I cannot even fathom, she makes everything better in my life"

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