Chapter 47

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Sad eyes By James Authur


"Ruby! Get back over here we're not finished talking" I shout to her as she runs up my stairs.

I chase after her but I see she is caught up on the second floor now as I'm in the middle of the steps, she turns to look at me with her puffy red eyes and tears streaming down her face.

"How could you Harry? h-how could you go to that bar? I c-can't believe you almost did cocaine I-"

She doesn't even finish her sentence as she shakes her head and storms to my room. I run up the stairs fast as possible to get to her, I go to my room and I see her immediately putting her clothes in her duffel bag.

"Why are you packing?" I ask.

"I'm fucking leaving, getting far away from you"

"No, you can't leave, you promised you'll stay this weekend," I say getting to her as I grab her shirt out of her bag. "You're not leaving, I told you what happened you should be happy"

She has an evil look at me. "Happy?! Happy?! You think I'm fucking happy after I heard you almost did cocaine?! It's been two weeks since that happened and you're telling me now! What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm miserable, I feel like my body is crumbling into pieces after what you told me, I'm so hurt by you, so disappointed, how dare you think and say that!"

She yells at me over and over about what a horrible person I am for going to that bar, yeah like I don't know that what I did is unspeakable.

She yanks her shirt out of my hand putting it back in her bag, and then I see her take out her Versace red heels I bought her that she wore tonight on our dinner date.

"Here, take these stupid heels back I don't want them anymore," she says throwing them on my bed. "It was a waist in buying them, give them to someone else maybe you should give them to Diana"

"B-but" I'm getting choked up, I can't believe what's happening. "I bought that for you on our first date, I know it was pricey but they're yours no one else's, they don't mean anything to you?"

"Not anymore they don't," she huffs out angrily putting her bag on her shoulder. "Have a nice fucking life"

She's about to walk out but I run to the door quickly putting my back hard against it, she can't leave, she can't, this is one big mess I know what I did was fucked up the stupidest thing anyone can ever do, I have to fix this.

"So what? You're just gonna leave me like this? Ruby, we have to talk about it, you just can't run off into mid conversation when something is important you know that"

She shakes her head groaning out giving me a dirty look, the look that gives, burn in hell asshole for all the things I caused her.

"This" she points back to me and her. "Is fucking over, I'm done with you, and your bull shit lies, I never wanna see your face again-"

"Yeah? and how's that gonna work out? I teach Greyson you're gonna see-"

"Don't you fucking dare! Don't you dare bring up my son during this, I'll send him to another school far away from you, you have been a pretty terrible teacher to him anyway"

Hearing her say that makes me wanna die inside, I feel like Greyson and I already have such an amazing bond, he reminds me a lot of me when I was younger, I care about him so much I love that little guy he's my buddy.

"I know you fucking wouldn't! You'll never do that to me, So after I told you what happened you're breaking up with me?". I look into her bright green eyes which makes my heart feel warmth, but to her, it probably looks like hell burning a hole inside when she looks into mine. "You're gonna give up on us?, what we have together you wanna lose that? your not fucking leaving there's no way! Absolutely no fucking way! we can fix it-"

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