Chapter 41

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Beige By Yoke Lore


This has to be a dream.

Somebody pinch me.

But no one's pinching me.

This is actually real life.

Did Harry just say he wants me to be his girlfriend?

He's staring at me all flustered waiting for me to say something, this can't be happening right now, especially in the club but it is.

"C-can we go somewhere in private, please?" I ask, he nods and I follow him to his office.

He's so nervous because when he gets his keys out from his pocket his hand jingles with them and they fall on the ground.

"S-sorry my bad" he stutters, bending down to pick up the keys.

Why does he have to be so dang cute?

It's killing me.

We make our way inside and he shuts the door on us, he goes by his desk leaning on it. I swear I can hear his heart beating out of his chest. I can tell what he said to me had to of been the scariest thing he's ever has said in his whole life.

"Y-you mean that? I finally talk breaking the silence. "You want me to be your girlfriend?"

He lets out a big breath. "Yes, more than anything, but if you think it's too fast I understand, I'm sorry about everything Ruby I truly am, I know saying sorry ain't gonna do fucking shit, I've done it too many times I get that, but I wanna be with you, I want you to be my girlfriend"

He's right though, but I'm not any better I do it as well. I guess we have a habit of saying sorry too many times, it has to stop at some point though because at some point we both won't be sorry.

Out of all the things Harry said to me, this is by far the most shocking thing ever. I wasn't gonna talk to him today, I was gonna ignore him all day, hell I was gonna tell Bella to tell him I'm "sick" so I don't have to go into work it's hard to look at him but he's too difficult to stay away from.

"What you said isn't okay," I tell him walking up to him by his desk. "It was so rude of you, I hate what you said to me"

"Ruby I know, you can run me over if it'll make you feel better, you can even pour vodka on me again, you can kick me in the fucking balls," he thinks for a second realizing what he just said to me. "Okay maybe not that"

I slowly laugh even though I have to be serious at this moment.

"We both aren't perfect Harry, we make tons of mistakes, but we're human and we learn from them," I say walking even closer to him as were inches apart. "I'm so sorry for what I said about your dad, your right I don't know him and how I didn't tell you on Monday, and about well you know asking you if you regret what I did to you, I asked you it doesn't make me any better I'm sorry if I was ba-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" he stops me "I loved it so fucking much, you doing that to me felt like heaven, god your mouth, your touch, your tongue around me was like magic, you left me speechless, I'm an idiot for saying that I'm sorry, I was so mad at you that's why I said it, but I know it doesn't make it right"

I do regret asking him that it was so hard hearing it from him, but when I look at his face with so much sorry written on it, I think he is telling the truth that he's sorry and he did like it.

I keep my eyes on him memorizing all his emotions, because what I'm about to say to him could change everything.

"When you asked me that question in the hallway you don't know what you're getting yourself into Harry, I'm a single mom my son comes first, which means I might not have every single day to spend time with you, I have to ask you do you really wanna date a single mother? There are plenty of other single ladies out there that don't have kids"

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