Chapter Two

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A little over seven years ago.

"To you finishing your rounds!" Hope said, raising her water bottle instead of a tequila shot in the noisy dive bar. Being pregnant had its downsides when it came to celebrating.

"To me being fucking done!" Y/N added as she toasted their glasses together.

"Well, not completely done. This is just the beginning, my dear," Peggy laughed, taking her shot a few seconds late.

"Done with being someone else's little intern though. I'm going to be a head family practitioner now," Y/N winked before grabbing her beer to chase the tequila with.

"So you excited? Have any jobs lined up?" Scott asked from the other side of Hope.

"Not quite yet, but I have a potential opening. There's a small little family practice on Madison Ave. that's looking for someone to fill in while the dad is on medical leave. It'll be about 3 months of work. I'll have to search for another opening while I'm there though..." 

The look of anxiety and worry about the future started to show on her face and Hope noticed.

"Well, we aren't here to worry about that tonight. Tonight's a celebration of no more tests, intern work, or taking orders from someone higher!" she said, raising the next round of shots.

"Yes, what Hope said!" Peggy grinned.

"Yes! So let's get drunk!" Y/N hollered, getting more whoops from the crew.

"You're sure about this Buck? I want to make sure you're not making any rash decisions," Steve said, nodding thanks to the bartender as he grabbed the three beers handed to him.

"If it was a rash decision, I would be quitting my job and leaving tomorrow. I, however, am keeping my job as I start my own business," Bucky answered, following him to the booth where Sam was seated.

"That's not the rash part of this idea of yours that I'm thinking about," Steve sighed as he sat in the booth handing the third beer to Sam. "I'm talking about only having two years of experience under your belt from a small mom-and-pop business."

"And what about it? Think that's not enough?" Bucky countered.

"Honestly? No. If you want to stay in New York for your business, I think it would be smarter for you to learn more of the ropes course before investing every cent you have into a business," Steve said with concerned eyes.

"If the man wants to waste his money away Rogers, let him do it," Sam added, getting a glare from Bucky.

"I'm not 'wasting away' my money," Bucky snarled at Sam before turning back to Steve. "I'm investing it as you said earlier. I'm good at my job, and I think I could do a lot more if I didn't have a supervisor telling me what to do 24/7," he groaned before taking a long pull of his drink. "Besides, I invited you guys out tonight to celebrate my decision. Not give me a counseling session on whether or not I should do it. My mind's already made up."

"But what if-" Steve started.

"Hey, it's his life, Steve. You can't keep finding ways to baby-proof it," Sam said cutting in.

"Yeah, what he said," Bucky added.

"Easy buddy. I never said it was the smartest idea, just saying Steve can't try and save you every time. You have to make your own mistakes," Sam retorted.

"And there it is," Steve sighed.

"I'm not making a mistake you guys! This is a great business plan!" Bucky said a little louder than he meant, getting a few glances from the bargoers.

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