Chapter Twent-Seven

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Little dates like this went on for the next month. To say things were going well would be putting it lightly.

It was as if fate had introduced them to each other early on in life, separated them to give them time to grow and mature, and then brought them back together again when the time was right.

It was the craziest thing of how their relationship was unfolding, but it was blissful and heartwarming either way.

However, tonight they canceled their most recent date to help out some friends.

"You're sure you're ok with taking them for the night?" Hope asked as she placed the carseat on the floor.

"Hope, if you ask me one more time, I will personally kick your ass out of this door," Y/N said with a smile before dropping it to a serious look. "I'm not kidding."

"I know, I know. It's just. He's been out of the hospital for only about 2 weeks now and-" Hope started as Scott came in with the diaper bag and overnight bag for Doris.

"I know you're worried, Hope, but he's been great since then. You guys haven't had any issues since the night you left," Y/N reassured. "Plus, I don't know if you know this or not, but I happen to be a family practitioner." Hope rolled her eyes. "Trust me. I'm the best babysitter you can have right now. You guys need to enjoy a night out that doesn't consist of dirty diapers and baby bottles."

"I'd have to agree with her," Bucky nodded coming up behind her with Rori on his back. "If you're going to have any kind of babysitter, might as well be a doctor."

"Ugh, ok!" Hope groaned, looking down at the little guy who had taken a power nap after getting in the car. "I know you're right, but I've become accustomed to worrying for the past, what? 10 months now? It's hard putting it to the side for the night."

"Well, anytime you start to get anxious about anything, know that both of your kiddos are in good hands. Bucky and I are A list babysitters," Y/N said shoulder bumping the man next to her.

"It's true. They're pretty fun," Rori added, getting a laugh from the adults.

"Child approved," Bucky nodded once, raising a hand to high-five Rori.

"Plus, the kids need a good play date. I know Rori has been dying to play a few new games with Doris."

"And vice versa," Scott added in when Doris ran in beside him from getting her stuffed animal from the car.

Bucky sat Rori back on the ground and instantly the two took off to her room.

"See? All set here. Now stop stalling and get out before I follow through with my threat," Y/N warned.

"Ok, we're out," Hope raised her hands. "You have all the information?"

"You practically printed a 60 page paper in MLA format, so I think I should be able to manage," Y/N held up a chunk of papers with his medications, feedings, and all the other instructions to keep a child alive that she already knew. "Now Scott, get her out of here and take her on a nice romantic date before I do."

"On it," Scott winked, ushering his wife out the front door before she could stall any further. "Thanks again! Call if you need anything!" he shouted just before the door shut.

"And let the night begin," Y/N turned winking at Bucky as she picked up the carrier and moved Luis.

Luis slept for the next 15ish minutes before yawning and squirming for a diaper change. While Y/N got him situated, Bucky and the girls headed back to the back porch where Rori and Doris went through the garden and played in the dirt and mud. It was the end of February so there wasn't anything blooming quite yet, but it would be spring soon.

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