Chapter Twenty-Two

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It had been 5 months since that little talk. And an interesting 5 months at that.

After having that talk with Rori, Bucky stayed over for dinner and helped put Rori to bed before him and Y/N sat and started to discuss their new schedule.

There were a few moments of disagreement, but the two stayed civil for the most part.

After celebrating her birthday together, they came to terms that Bucky would have her starting at twice a week just to ease her into the transition. And that went not as smoothly as they had hoped.

The first weeks of this, Rori got home sick the two nights and ended up calling her mom to go back home. It wasn't anything against Bucky, just that it was a new environment and though she loved him, it really hadn't been very long of them together for her to stay over in a comfortable manner.

Week two of this was a little better. She didn't cry, but she did call her mom to come pick her up still.

Bucky had done everything in his power to make it an inviting and comforting setting for her, but it just wasn't normal yet. Therefore, it was scary and unnerving for the child.

Luckily after that, Bucky was able to modify and work with all the things he picked up on that made Rori uncomfortable in the new environment. He talked to Steve about ways to help, and being a teacher for kids her age, he understood how a new place could be scary when someone you are with all the time, is no longer there. He had his fair share of first week of school meltdowns from 6 and 7 year olds.

So changing his apartment up and having Rori contribute to the decorating, toys, and other additions made her feel more at home eventually. Making the third week there much smoother.

After about a month and a half of this, they bumped up his nights to 3 nights a week. This was a bigger change than they expected, but it worked out.

By 3 months, it became a who would be home earlier and was able to take care of her most nights. So both Y/N and Bucky's weeks ranged from 3-4 nights that they had her.

Especially with Y/N's new clinic now in full swing, having Bucky being able to take her nights that Y/N became crazy busy with work was helpful. She hated to admit it given she missed the lost nights that she had with Rori, but with the times, this was very beneficial having a second parent for Rori.

By 3 and a half months, things flowed a lot smoother. They had a decent routine up and were in good communications to move things around if they needed to.

Rori had gotten used to the schedule, and though Y/N was worried about the lifestyle of a two home family, Rori didn't seem all that bothered by it. She adjusted well and enjoyed both times with her mom and Bucky.

For her sake as well, Bucky and Y/N had been getting along much better. Bucky had luckily put all the hardships that started this behind him and no longer held a grudge. Well, if he did, he didn't show it to Y/N.

They had luckily gone back to their friendly relationship. However, the flirtatious comments, stares, and motives were no longer there.

Y/N thought about that a lot. She missed that version of Bucky. He was a well-rounded man, and he had proved that throughout the process of everything they had to work through. He was still attractive, still kind-hearted, still a gentleman, and still a stupid good father to Rori. All things Y/N would love to have in her significant other.

But she knew her past choices affected his wall that he put up. She had come to the conclusion that he had put those romantic types of thoughts in the back of his head as he had never acted on them since that night. At least that's how he acted, it wasn't like she could read his mind or anything...

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