Chapter Three

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"Do I know you from somewhere?" the brown-haired man asked.

"Uh," was all that she could stammer out while in a state of complete shock. "I-"

"You ok, Miss. Y/L/-" Steve started, but before he could finish the name, she quickly turned to the blonde hiding from the intrigued eyes of the brunette.

"It was an absolute pleasure meeting you, Mr. Rogers. I have to get going now. I completely forgot about something we have to do tonight. I'll see you around soon!" And as quickly as she could, she turned and ran straight for Hope and the girls. Leaving the two men in confusion.

"What's going on-" Hope began as Y/N grabbed her arm and motioned the girls to follow.

"I'll explain in the car. Come on."

"Y/N-" Hope whispered, looking back but not being able to see what the issue could have been as they turned the corner.

"That was strange," Steve said, still stuck staring at where the girls fled off.

"Who was that?" Bucky asked, also still looking their way, not being able to pull his eyes from the extremely familiar woman.

"One of my student's mom. Here, come in. I just finished and I'm about to pack up," Steve said, turning back to the room.

"What was her name?" Bucky continued to question.

"Uh, Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N," Steve answered behind his desk as he packed his belongings. "Seems really sweet and her daughter's really bright."

"Daughter? How old?"

"I teach 2nd grade Buck, they're all 7 to 8 years old."

"Right, right..." Bucky nodded his head trying to keep the mental picture of the Y/H/C-haired woman in his head.

"Did you already text Sam and tell him we're about to head that way?" Steve went on.

"Uh, yeah," Bucky said, shaking his head out in a way to move on. "When did the shop say they would be done with your car?"

"They extended it another day, so not for the next week. Frustrating. I know," Steve sighed, throwing his bag over his shoulder and turning off various lamps around the room.

"I told you, man. You should have just let me take care of it," Bucky shrugged, crossing his arms.

"You looked at it and said that it was the one thing that you couldn't fix without a shop of your own," Steve said with a raised eyebrow as he walked out the door turning off the last light.

"No, I said I couldn't fix it without a few tools I didn't have. I'm sure someone at my work would have something for me to borrow and I could have fixed it for a hundredth of what they're about to charge you," Bucky followed.

"Well, I need a working car and I don't have time to wait and see if you'll have the tools eventually. Plus, I know the guys at the shop and they're not going to make me pay more than I have to," Steve added as he locked the door and started making his way to the exit.

"Whatever you say, Stevie..."

"Oh, shut up. Let's just get to Sam's for poker night before we're late again."


"Care to explain now?" Hope asked once they were in the car.

"One second," Y/N turned back and looked to see that the DVD player was playing in the back. "Rori, sweetheart, can you and Doris put on the headphones for the movie?"

"Yeah!" Rori said without question. But Y/N wasn't surprised. She loved going to the movies and said that when they put on the headphones, it felt like they had surround sound.

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