Chapter Eight

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Loading into the car, Rori pulled out her case of DVDs that she was super proud of and went through them with Bucky. That was the entire car ride to the ice cream shop considering it was a four-minute drive, and that was only because Y/N drove slow so the two could discuss the movies.

Bucky pointed out the ones he liked, and exaggerated shock when she pointed out her favorites saying those were some of his favorites as well. It was cute.

Y/N parked the car with a smile on her face at how easily Rori started bonding with Bucky. Sure Rori had always been a friendly little girl, and never found it difficult to make friends, but something about how fast they connected struck a heartstring with her.

"We're here," Y/N laughed as she put the car in park.

"I'll have to show you my favorite Star Wars movies when we get back. That's in another case," Rori said as she zipped up the first case of DVDs.

"Star Wars? You like it all, don't you kiddo?" Bucky chuckled, unbuckling his seat belt and turning from where he was facing the backseat.

"I like what Mom likes!" Rori answered unbuckling herself.

"You're mom likes Star Wars?" Bucky asked in a playful tone looking at Y/N.

"Anyone with good taste in movies does," Y/N smiled with a smirk.

"I have to agree," Bucky winked before exiting the car.

Did he mean to wink? Did he even know he did that? That wasn't a flirty wink, was it?

Breaking out of her thoughts, Y/N blinked rapidly as she opened the door, and went to Rori's side. The three walked into the ice cream shop in a line with Rori in the front and Bucky opened the door for the two.

"So Bucky," Rori said moving to the man's side and making him look down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Who's your favorite Disney princess?" she said with a quizzing look.

Bucky let out a small chuckle and looked at Y/N who shook her head with a laugh of her own.

"Who's your  favorite Disney princess?" Bucky countered.

"I asked you first," she said casually looking up to the ice cream glass that she was just a few inches too short to really see all the selection.

"Touche," Bucky chuckled again. "Need some help seeing the choices?" he asked.

"Yes, please," she answered.

"Is it alright if I put her on my shoulders?" Bucky asked Y/N.

"Uh, sure. Rori, you want on Bucky's shoulders?"

"Yeah! I'll be giant!" she shouted with glee, reaching her arms out to him.

In just the split second of Bucky looking down at her outstretched arms and picking her up, Y/N saw a spark in his eyes. The smile that morphed on his face was the same one that he had when he first saw her. Longing? Joyful? Surprised?

"Sure thing, kiddo," Bucky said, picking her up and easily maneuvering her to his shoulders where she placed her tiny hands on his head and overlooked the ice cream. "Better?"

"Whoa! I can see everything up here! Look mom," she said gleefully pointing down at the flavors.

"Crazy," Y/N said with a soft smile on her face seeing the excitement on her daughter's face.

They went ahead and ordered their ice cream and Rori explained basically every flavor she liked to Bucky in detail. The two ended up getting the same Cookie Monster flavor in a waffle cone. They grabbed a seat inside, and Rori asked to sit next to Bucky while Y/N sat across from them.

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