Chapter Twenty-Five

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Another week had passed and Hope had just called Y/N telling her that she was going into early labor. She was about 3 weeks early, and considering again how her last pregnancy had gone, they were weary about anything not going according to plan.

Luckily, Bucky was just dropping off Rori at her mom's house when they got the call, so they all packed into his car and headed to the hospital. This way Bucky could take care of Doris and Rori while Y/N helped out her friend.

Bucky and the girls were in the waiting room as Scott and Y/N were helping Hope adjust in the room they just placed her in. Hank was on the way, but was still about 30 minutes out.

Y/N had been in the room for the last 30 minutes getting updates and talking with the doctors to kind of translate in a way what was happening to Scott and Hope. Some doctors forget that certain medical terms and routines weren't common knowledge and weren't the best about breaking them down for patients. Luckily, Y/N knew a good chunk of what was being said.

Distracted with an ipad and coloring books, the girls didn't notice Y/N come out of the room and walk down the hall to the waiting space they were in. Bucky did and quietly without drawing attention stepped out to meet her.

"What's the update?"

Y/N let out a long sigh as she ran her hand through her hair.

"They're thinking about a c-section right now. Something is irregular with the heartbeat and the brain activity isn't coming back normal either. They're worried if it's a clot forming and they don't get the baby out soon, a stroke is a strong possibility. However, it's a possibility if we get them out too," she explained.

"Shit," Bucky let out in a short breath, hands on his hips and looking into the windows of the room where the two girls were still playing away. "What about Hope? How is she feeling?"

"She's stressed. Which isn't helping the situation, so they're going to give her a small sedative to help her heart rate go down and hopefully calm her body down so it's not under as much stress," Y/N nodded, wrapping her arms around herself to hug her body.

Bucky noticed the motion of self-comfort and without a second thought, moved forward and encased her in his arms. The hug was welcomed immediately and Y/N buried her face into his chest taking the gesture to calm herself. 

"Hey, it'll all be ok. She's got some of the best doctors in here and she has you," Bucky said softly as he rested his cheek on top of her head.

"I know. I know," Y/N nodded and Bucky could hear a sniffle which caused him to hold her tighter. "It's all just kinda a waiting game right now and I hate it. We still need confirmation on the c-section and every second we wait, the risk grows higher."

He ran a hand up and down her back as they stood clung to each other.

"Well, don't worry too much. I'm here to take care of the girls and Hank will be here soon too. So that's one less thing you have to think about. You and Scott just focus on Hope and the new addition that's to come," he reassured.

She pulled back some, wiping her face and gave a small smile that showed she appreciated Bucky's attempt to calm her down.

"Can you believe they still won't tell us the gender? All this time..." She laughed trying to lighten the mood. Mainly for herself.

"I still think it's a little girl. I can't imagine Scott without girls. He's just too good with them," Bucky smiled at her.

"That is true, but something tells me it's a little boy," Y/N sniffled a little trying to cover up her small break down. "I think Hope deserves a little mama's boy."

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