Chapter Twenty-Six

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Setting up the date was a little more difficult than Y/N hoped as she would have usually used Hope as a babysitter, but given they were still in and out of the hospital with Luis, they weren't an option.

It had been a while since Y/N had a babysitter, and she was worried MJ would be busy with college and classes, but lucky for her she was able to book her.

She also offered to have Doris come over as well, so Hope and Scott could worry about Luis and Hank could have a break too. Plus, Doris was in dire need of some fun with someone her age as the week had consisted of lots of visits to the hospital.

"MJ, if you want to invite Peter over, you're more than welcome too. Rori loves him and would be extremely happy to see him after all this time," Y/N shouted from her bedroom as she put on the finishing touches to her outfit in the mirror.

"Are you sure?" MJ shouted back.

"Really! Doris? Rori? Don't you agree?" she yelled, waiting for the girls to confirm her thought.

"Yeah!" the littles screamed.

"Ok, I'll text him right now," MJ laughed.

Bucky had told Y/N that he had reservations at a nice restaurant where he knew the owner. It wasn't necessarily black tie formal, but definitely cocktail hour kind of dress. So her outfit was one that fit the venue.

"He said he can come over in about 30 minutes," MJ replied as Y/N checked her phone for the time

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"He said he can come over in about 30 minutes," MJ replied as Y/N checked her phone for the time.

Bucky should be there any minute.

Walking out to the living room, she smoothed down her dress and before she could look up, she heard 3 little "oooo's".

Looking up she saw the three girls gathered on the floor around a puzzle smiling up at her.

"You look really pretty, Mama," Rori clapped.

"You like it?" Y/N chuckled at the girl's reaction.

"You look stunning, Miss. Y/L/N," MJ answered.

"Thank you girls. I was worried it was too much, but my date told me it's a nice restaurant, so I figured I'd rather be safe than sorry," Y/N sighed, nervously touching up her hair and dress while she walked to get her purse.

"Who's your date, Mom?" Rori asked.

Bucky and Y/N both agreed that it was best not to let Rori know about their little date. If worst case scenario happened, and the two didn't end up working out that way, they didn't want to give Rori too much hope that her mom and dad would end up together.

But if we are being honest, they had got along well and had underlying feelings for each other this whole time, so the chances of that not working out were low... But you know. Just to be safe.

"Um, a work friend sweetie," Y/N answered hesitantly. "Just a girlfriend of mine. She had a free meal at this place and wanted a friend to come with her."

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