Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Wait, Dad's coming over tonight?" Rori asked.

Y/N and her were outside picking a few vegetables for dinner when she had told her the plan for the night.

"But it's not his night tonight," she said more to herself as if trying to process the idea.

"Sweetheart, he comes over on nights that aren't his anyway," Y/N laughed. "He has been for a while now."

"I know, but it's not any special occasion is it? I mean, it's not movie night. There isn't a party. It's not your birthday yet... Wait! Is it?" she questioned, looking straight at her mom.

"My birthday is in the summer, but not for a few more weeks," Y/N laughed. "But honey he just wasn't busy and wanted to have dinner with us. Is that not ok?"

"No, I love it!" Rori jumped around. "I love when dad comes over just for funsies!"

"I know you do, munchkin. Now why don't you make him your famous broccoli recipe," Y/N winked.

"Yes!" Rori jumped up running into the house to get ready.

They were just laying out the food, getting ready to start making dinner when Bucky came in.

"Hello? Anyone here? Anyone specifically named Aurora or possibly goes by Munchkin?" he shouted from the living room.

A giggle came from Rori as she ran to greet her father.

Y/N could hear an exaggerated grunt as she most likely threw herself into him and tackled him. She shook her head and wiped her freshly cleaned hands on a dish towel as she walked into the living room to find Bucky on the ground and Rori sprawled over his chest, squeezing whatever body part she could get ahold of.

"Rori, you're going to suffocate him," she laughed, seeing that she had anaconda-ed herself to his neck.

"Where's the fun in breathing?" Bucky gasped out, sitting up some with her still latched to him.

"Yeah, mermaids don't breathe air and they have tons of fun," Rori countered, finally letting go some so that they could stand up.

"Interesting argument to make, sunshine," Y/N rolled her eyes playful at her daughter and her father's antics. "We were just about to start making dinner if you want to-"

But before she could finish, Bucky finished brushing off his jeans and interrupted her.

"Actually, I was thinking I would take you girls out tonight," he smiled. Rori now leaned on his leg while he rested his hand on top of her head.

"Out?" she asked.

"Yeah, not that I don't love both of your cooking, but I figured I'd treat two of my special girls," he winked.

Y/N was surprised by the change of plans, but she couldn't hold back the grin that had formed on her face from his comment.

"Yay!" Rori jumped up and down. "Wait..." she paused, getting the adults' attention. "It's not mom's birthday though."

Bucky sent Y/N a confused look and Y/N shook her head sending him a small wave.

"Sweetheart, we can still go out to eat."

"Is something special going on that I don't know about?" she questioned.

Y/N and Bucky shared a look.

"You're overthinking it," Y/N laughed, nodding her head back to her room. "Why don't you go get changed into something that doesn't have dirt on it and we can decide where to eat after, hm?"

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