Chapter Seven

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Rori had a soccer game that weekend, and though Y/N planned on just going with Hope and Scott since Doris was in the age group up, she saw it as a great safe place for Bucky to meet her.

They had agreed to not quite tell Rori that he was her father considering they wanted it to be the right time.

Y/N was more apprehensive of things working out and scared that she would give Rori false hope of a father figure.

Bucky just wanted to ease into it and not scare the little girl away. Though in the back of his head, he for sure was ready to step up to the plate. But he respected Y/N's wishes and told her that he would wait until she was ready.

That was the thing about Bucky that Y/N couldn't quite wrap her head around. He was so relaxed and understanding of it all. Almost too understanding. She wanted to sabotage the whole situation in her head, but every time she thought of a test for Bucky, he would pass it with flying colors.

Asking him to wait to tell Rori the truth, she expected frustration and impatience of the idea. Instead she was surprised with agreeance and a sweet response of, "Whatever you think is best."

When she told him about how she thought way back when possibly terminating the pregnancy when all this happened, she expected rage and disgust. And once again she was approached with understanding and empathy.

Even still, she was always going to stay on her toes. It was the instinct of being a mother.

"Ok sunshine. First real game today. You excited?" Y/N asked as she pulled Rori's little jersey over her head.

"Yes! Coach Maximoff said to kick some petunias when I get out there!" she said excitedly, jumping up and down once the shirt was on.

"Of course Pietro would say that," Y/N laughed with a sigh. "Ok, go grab your cleats and bag, and I'll go get the cooler of snacks for the team."

"Yes ma'am, yes!" Rori modified the phrase some and fake saluted before runnning to the living room where all her things were.

"Dork," Y/N chuckled, standing up and going to the kitchen for the last few things.


"So what time will he be here?" Hope asked as they walked to the field.

"Said he would be here right when Rori's game starts. He had an important meeting or something beforehand, but was going to cut it short for her."

"Wow, cutting off important meetings for a child you just figured out was yours 2 days ago? Color me impressed," Hope smiled nudging her friend.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she began setting up a seat and pulling up the cooler next to her, Rori already in the field and kicking a ball around with a friend.

"Heads up. Coach is coming your direction," Hope patted Y/N's back as she began setting up a seat herself.

"Oh God. I forgot about his flirting-"

"Hello Miss. Y/L/N. You look as radiant as ever, but what's new?" Pietro Maximoff, the coach of Rori's team, smirked and sauntered up to the girls.

"Piet, how are you doing?" Y/N smiled politely. She never actually hated the little comments he would make. She usually just laughed them off, and Pietro was kind about it. It was more playful banter than anything to her.

"Always deflecting the compliments. I'm good though. How are you ladies doing this evening?" he smiled, crossing his arms across his wide chest.

"As good as ever. Doris is sad she isn't on your team though," Hope said plopping down and smiling up at him.

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