Lena's: POV
Today's the day I head back home
to my beautiful wife. I'm glad that this conference is over, my flight isn't due to leave until 4:00 this afternoon
So l'm packing up my belongings and putting them in my suitcase. I was able to eat some toast and fruit for breakfast and pepper mint tea, that's the only thing I can stomach at the moment. I feel being here in Los Angeles, helped me reflect on a few things. Never take life for granted
Cause isn't promise to neither of us
This baby is our miracle, l feel in my heart. Things will be okay again
I have an appointment with the obstetrician next week, l am so excited to be bringing a life into the world. At the same time l'm scared as hell, l've been keeping a pregnancy dairy. I am outside on the patio of my hotel suite, just thinking back to our wedding day promising to love each other forever. As we stood at the altar
Saying our vows, l tend to keep every word l said to Stef on that day.Stef's: POV
I can't believe it's Thursday already
My wife is coming home. I know she's been gone four days, it feels longer
I decided to take a half of day. Her plane doesn't land till six this evening
These last few days have been crazy
Since Lena's been gone. I found it hard to function properly, we never spent time apart like this before
It's not often she's goes out town
On bussiness. I'm sitting here in the kitchen reading the morning paper
While nursing a cup of coffee, I have for clients to see this morning. And two this afternoon, where going on this wine tour on Saturday. It's an all day event, l'm looking forward to it
I got all the laundry done. Did the grocery shopping yesterday, the house
is clean. So when Lena gets home
She doesn't have to do anything, it's only 8:30am, time is going by super slow. Stef got up from the table to wash out her mug in the sink, she looks out in the back yard and sees
The pretty rainbow shinning.
She grabs her lunch bag and nap sac
And heads towards the front door,
Stef opens it up. She's thanked they didn't have any neighbors, the house
Her and Lena had was a single home
With amazing view of the ocean.
Stef made sure all the doors were locked, before heading down to her car.

Miracle baby
RomanceLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...