Lena's: POV
Lena was up bonding with her new born babies. As she held them in her arms, her heart was full and content
Nothing else matter in that moment
She felt a sense of warmth holding them. Lena kissed their fingers
Lena would protect her children with her life, all she ever wanted was to be
A mother. Now Lena was a mommy
The reality hadn't sunk in, as her son
His eyes. He had the most gorgeous
Hazel green eyes as her wife, Lena could stare at her babies all day
Stef stepped out to get Lena something to eat, Lena wasn't a fan of hospital food. Her daughter sleeping soundly, Lena's emotions took over
The nurse enter in the room. Mrs Adams Foster are you okay, the woman ask. I'm just a little emotional
I don't want to put either of them down, Lena replied. It's understandable for new mother's to bond with their children, have you decided yet if you wanted to bottle feed them or nurse. The nurse questioned, l think l rather breast feed. I did a lot of research, and l heard it's healthy for the babies
Lena States, alright I'll have our lactation specialist come in a little later and explain everything to you
Also the hospital social worker
Will come with some forms for you to fill out for the birth certificates and social security cards. Dawn says to Lena, l understand Lena replies
I'm gonna have to take your little ones here back to the baby nursery for the night while you get some rest for the evening Dawn said, l thought they stay in here with me. Lena didn't wanna be away from her babies,
For a second, we have to do new born
Checks. It's standard procedure of the hospital, Dawn replies. Can you bring them back once their finished,
Lena asked, l can certainly come back with the baby's. Dawn came around
Lena's bed, to take the new borns
From Lena. And place Coby and Melody in the bassinets, what are there names so I can put in front
Of their beds. Dawn says, Coby Benjamin Adams Foster and Melody Sofia Marie Adams Foster. Lena told Dawn, those are beautiful names
Dawn Stated. Lena laid back against the pillows, as Dawn wheeled the babies out of the room, Lena's eyes began to well up.

Miracle baby
RomanceLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...