Stef's: POV
We finally arrived to the women's medical center. I had no idea
Lena was actually in labor
When she called me to come upstairs
I feel bad for not going up the stairs
The nurse got her hooked up to the fetal monitors and everything
Then she started an IV drip into her hand. Claire came in to check how many centimeters she dilated, Lena was at six. Her doctor told us the anesthesiologist will be in shortly to administer the epidural, when the nurse came carrying blankets and extra pillows for Lena. I help her get undressed in a pink hospital gown
The curtain was pulled to give us some privacy, Lena hasn't spoken since we first arrived. My guess she's scared, l am to as well. We have everything including the babies car seats, diaper bag with Lena's small suitcase. Lena got back onto the bed
I covered Lena up with the sheet making her comfortable as possible
She turns on the TV, baby how you feeling. I asked her, l'm okay for now
She said and turned her attention back to the Television searching through the guide for something to watch. Mommy and Daddy are on there way, Lena says to me
So your telling me you don't want me in the room when you have the babies
Stef asks. No that's not what I meant
I just called to tell them I was in Labor
Why are you getting all upset. Lena asked me, l just thought you didn't you didn't want me in here with you
Stef replied. Ok course I do
These baby's are much yours and mine, so relax okay and can you please go get some ice Lena asks me
I get up and head to the nurses station to request a cup ice chips. Where l see the anesthesiologist come down the hall. The passes me a Styrofoam cup
I go back to Lena's room, where the doctor explains the procedure to Lena
She has sign a form giving him to Consent, Lena reads over the paperwork. I saw how big the needle was, he puts on a set of gloves
Lena has to stand up to for him
to inject the epidural into her spine
She leans over the bed, l hold her hand. Lena you need to be still while I do this, the doctor walks Lena through the process. The needle is going to numb your spine so you won't feel any pain, after gone over the steps. He cleans the area with betadine antiseptic, then inserts the needle. Lena squeezes my hand tight
As she takes a deep breath closing her eyes. The guy disposal of the needle
into the hazard waste box, and takes of the gloves. He puts on a clear pair
Lena l'm now gonna add the epidural medicine into your spine, so you might feel it sting a bit. Dr. Carson Stated, Lena has tears running down her cheek. I hated to see my baby in so much discomfort, but I know it will be worth it in the end. All done
You may feel a cooling sensation through your body, he gives a heads up. How long does it take to kick in
Stef questions Dr. Carson, about twenty minutes or so. He leaves the room, after washing his hands
While get Lena settled back in bed
She lays against the pillows. I give her the cup, but Lena's hands are shaking
I hold up the cup. There's a knock on the door, come in l say. Dana and Stuart enter inside. How are you feeling sweetheart Stuart, alright
I guess after being shot up with an epidural in my spine

Miracle baby
RomanceLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...