Lena's: POV.
With Stef returning back to work
Lena decided that her and the twins
Deserve a day out doors. Lena let her mother know she was going for a walk, with the babies
Lena missed working at the school
But she wouldn't trade being at home with her new born twins, Lena Colby and Melody in their stroller and headed for a walk around the neighborhood. Their weren't to many houses, around, they lived in a gated community. Lena and Stef often kept to themselves, not bothering anybody
The fresh air would help the babies at night. The weather was kinda breeze out, Lena put on her sun glasses
Lena wouldn't be out to long. Cause Stef would getting off of work around five in the evening, their were going away for the weekend even though Lena still had some reservations about leaving her children with her mother. But Lena knew Stef needed time to reconnect, they haven't been inmate in months. Of course the women slept in the same bed together
It felt different, their were times where they spent all night making passionate love to each other. Lena feels as if she's been neglecting her wife's needs. Stef reassured Lena
She was fine, Lena was thinking of ways to bridge the gap between them
Lena could be a little freaky in bed
When she wanted to. An idea popped in her mind, tomorrow she would go to the mall to the candy store and get a killer outfit that will surely turn Stef on. Lena used to be the dominate one in the bedroom, now Stef took over that roll. Lena become the submissive one, it was something about the way Stef made Lena feel. Stef had a big heart and sometimes the blonde could be a big kid, wanting attention cause
Lena was the first woman she's ever sleep with. Lena being the affection person, she was give Stef the love she deserves. Stef could be a real romantic at times, Stef always bring home Lena's favorite bouquet of flowers or roses. Write Lena little love letters, it made Lena feel good inside
Stef would spoiled Lena rotten showing her how much she loved her wife. The little gestures Lena appreciated, they celebrate different milestones of their relationship. Like
There first kiss, their first night together. Lena telling Stef l love you
Brought tears to the blondes eyes
Lena was a sucked for romance
The last woman Lena dated wasn't spontaneous. Lena broke up you with Courtney six months into their relationship, because she wasn't invested as much Lena was. Come to find out Courtney lied to Lena about not being attached, it took literally Lena five years to put herself back out in the dating scene. When Lena met Stef
Lena knew instantly they were soul mates, they dated for three years before getting married. Stef felt hard for Lena, she didn't realize she's been longer than anticipated. Lena turned the carriage around and started heading back home,

Miracle baby
عاطفيةLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...