Stef's: POV
I've been sitting here waiting for Lena to get out of surgery. The nurse took Coby and Melody back to the baby nursery, Dana and Stuart saw the babies. Then they went to get something to eat cause nobody knew how long the surgery was going to be
Today has been a whirlwind of emotions for me the twins were born
Their healthy. How long does it take for them to tie Lena's tubes, l don't know how long l sit here and do nothing, finally Lena's surgeon came out and talk to me. And said everything went well, but when Lena wakes up she's gonna be in a lot pain
And be released at the end of the week, if nothing major happens between now and then. I shook her hand, their bringing her back into the room. She's still sedated from the anesthesia, Lena looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Her cheeks are flushed, l lean over her bed to kiss her forehead and took a seat beside her bed. I held her hand, and seen the wedding band l place on her finger
All the years ago, they have tubes up her nose for oxygen l supposed
I haven't told anyone she had the babies yet. I'm not sure if I should call Madison or Taylor, to tell them the news. Lena begins to stir in her sleep
Baby l'm here l said to Lena, she blinks her eyes twice she's fully awake. Lena turns her head facing me
Where are the babies Lena says in a hoarse voice, love the nurse came and took them down to the nursery because they weren't sure how long you were gonna be in the operating room. Stef explains, mmm she's pointing to her throat. I got and poured some water in a cup with a straw inside, l hold it up to her mouth
She sips slowly.

Miracle baby
RomanceLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...