Stef's: POV
After we left the clinic with the twins
We went out and had a bite to eat
At Lena's favorite restaurant. The Olivia garden, had lunch and we came home. Lena is the nursery with the babies, she's probably nursing them. She gave Colby and Melody some baby Tylenol, so they run fevers
It was we were able to spend a time
Together away from the house, plus I know Lena was in pain even though
She won't to it. After having giving birth two babies at one time and then turn around and had a tube ligation
That's painful enough if you asked me? Dana and Stuart are out for the evening, thank God I get some quality time with my wife. I'm looking through the DVD shelf for a movie
For us to watch,Lena's: POV
I'm upstairs just got done washing the babies down in baby chamomile wash
Colby's been nurse already he's asleep
Now l am nursing Melody. She's night owl like Stef is, my parents went out giving me and Stef some alone time
Stef feels like my mother is trying her what to do with our children. I never want Stef to feel like she doesn't have a say what it comes the twins,
Stef is their other parent. If l knew this was going cause chaos
I would have told me mommy not to come, Stef goes back to work next week. My mom can be a little over the top, and high strung. I'm a total Daddy's girl all the way. Dad and I are alike, we both enjoy reading English Lecture. Classic music and black art
Now my mom we both like cooking
Playing tennis, and shopping
They belong to a country club back home where they members. It's a upscale type of thing, I think the people there are stuck up just because
They got a little money and live in these fancy houses. I grew up privilege and I turned out okay
My parents sent me to the best schools around the world,
My father is a billionaire
Nobody knows except mom, me and Stef. We didn't don't go around rubbing our money in people's faces
Even though they live a forty million dollar home. Stef treats me like my dad does mom, we lived comfortably

Miracle baby
RomanceLena and Stefanie Adams Foster have been trying for a baby for two years. the first attempt failed in a miscarriage, three years have passed they decided to try again. when their prayers are finally answered, the couple is over joined with the News...