heading home

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Stef's: POV
After having breakfast with my in laws. Lena and I headed back home
Lena hasn't said anything since we left the mall, l know Dana gets on her nerves at times. We purchased some more outfits for the babies, the last thing Lena needs is Stress. We couldn't afford for her to go into pre term labor, if we can get through these next few months without any complications. Will be good
We pulled up to our house,
I turned off the car. Lena grabs her bag. and exit the vehicle
I hate when Lena goes in shut down mode, I don't want to treat her like my patients at the clinic. I take all packages out of the trunk and head inside, to find Lena no where around
She's probably upstairs some where
I head to the kitchen to get a cold drink from the refrigerator.
I go on upstairs to check on Lena
When I enter inside the bedroom
to see her asleep, l know she was tired before we left early. Dana and Stuart
Should be on there way back home
Dana told me earlier they had a few things to take care of before heading back, l have this strangest feeling
That they went shopping for the babies. Even when we both told them
We didn't need anything yet,

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