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Birthday: M/D (Month/Day)
Affiliation: Monstadt
A strict third in command Knight of Favonius who prioritize work and study over anything else.

Vision: Geo
Weapon: Sword

Here are some random "voice overs" to make you feel more into the character.

My name is Y/N third in command knight of the knights of favonius, pleasure to make your acquaintance. What? No the pleasure is all mine.

Chat: Flexibility-
Whenever you plan something make sure you stick to that. Although, it is fine if your schedule is flexible.

Chat: Training-
Oh? You have also took the interest in learning the art of the sword? Very well your training starts now. What? Didn't expect it to be so soon? Haven't you learned to expect the unexpected by now?

Chat: Priorities
My main priority is to make sure the people of Monstadt is safe. Nothing more, nothing less.

When it rains-
You want to play around in puddles all day? What are you a child? Hmm perhaps.

When thunder strikes-
Don't tell me you're afraid of a few booms and bams? Haha with you being a traveler I'd hope not.

When wind is blowing-
My Archon, the wind is picking up. Let's move.

Good Morning-
Today we have a busy day, first we need to hel- ahem I digress. Good Morning.

Good Afternoon-
Ah hello again, the day is getting away. Would you like to spar a bit? Alright let's go.

Good Evening-
*Reading* ......

Good Night-
Farewell traveler I won't keep you long I know you have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow. Make it home safely as shall I.

About Y/N: Stammering-
I apologize, sometimes I stammer without meaning to. It's a habit I've been trying to get out of. You don't mind? I.. thank you.

About Y/N: Knights-
Each and every knight holds a special place in my heart. I care for each and everyone of them like my own kin.

About the Vision:-
Honestly, I've been told that you receive a vision after being noticed by the gods for your actions. If that's the case shouldn't all heroes have one? Even the ones that doesn't wear a mask and cape.

About Klee-
Klee is a rather energetic girl. Sometimes I struggle to keep up with her I feel as if I'm boring or uninteresting to her. I'm not? Well that's good to hear.

About Kaeya-
He is very worthy of his title "Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius" but mark my words, his cocky attitude of his will be his downfall, I just hopes he realizes it before it's too late.

About Amber-
Ah yes outrider herself. A truly outstanding girl if you ask me. She's always willing to help out as much as she can. I am grateful to have her as a friend.

About Lisa-
I always make sure to return my books in a timely manner. I've heard what she did to others who didn't return their books on time and it was not pretty.

About Jean-
You want to know about the acting grand master? Talk about someone with a bolder on their shoulders. If I could cut her workload to a minimum I would. Yet she doesn't seem to mind it.

About Diluc-
Master Diluc is a very interesting man. He keeps to himself unlike some people I know.

About Eula-
I've noticed not everyone has taken a liking to her because of her family line but I must say, once you actually understand her she's not all that bad. Except when she's talking about vengeance.

About Noelle-
Noelle is too kind, She does so much and asks for so little. I wish she would be noticed by the acting grand master. She deserves to be a Knight.

About Venti-
The Anemo Archon.. What is it? Did I say someone wrong?

About Albedo-
I asked Albedo a while back if he has some kind of way of enhancing my sword to make it stronger than ever before. He's still working out a few details though.

About Razor-
I'll go to Wolvendom every now and then to visit Razor, as of now, I'll helping him with his handwriting.

About Bennett-
If I wouldn't have joined the knights, I would be apart of Benny's adventure team without hesitation. He's too kind, I wish people would look past his bad luck. A shame really.

About Sucrose-
We've only spoken once or twice, but I can tell she really enjoys all her tests and experiments.

About Mona-
She's very smart and useful, but I noticed whenever I invite her out to eat she'll always avoid going.. I wonder why.

About Fischl-
She's one of those weirdos.. I have yet to be associated with her in full.

About Thoma-
He's a very friendly and neat guy, I hope he makes another tasty hotpo- *ahem*... he has impressive culinary skills.

Favorite food-
I don't usually have a certain favorite when it comes to food as I'm not really picky, but if I were to choose something it would definitely be F/F (Favorite food)

Least Favorite Food-
Ugh have to tried LF/F (Least favorite food)? Don't get me wrong I'll eat it if I must but it just tastes so.. what's the word..? It tastes bitter.

Feelings about Ascension: Into-
What exactly do we call these feelings?.. a feeling of strength? Yes that's it.

Feelings about Ascension: Building Up-
My ora... feels stronger

Feelings of Ascension: Climax-
If things go right maybe I can get a promotion, right forgive me. I was getting ahead of myself.

Feelings of Ascension: Conclusion-
A long journey finally rearing to its end. Thank you traveler. You helped me get to where I am now and I couldn't have possibly gotten this far without you. Let me make it up to you! My treat of course.


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