Chapter 21 | It's Finally Over

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~Y/N's POV~

"Ow my head..."

"You" I said walking up to Ganyu.

"Ah Y/N! You're saf-" "You got in my way in the beginning and made me lose my memory.. this is your fault"

"Y/N.. I- I don't know what to say.. except that I'm very sor-"

I cut her off by sliding my hand on her cheek and kissing her.

"Ganyu.. thanks for not abandoning me when I needed help the most.."

I hugged her as she stood shocked and unresponsive. I whispered into her ear "I love you"

She jolted and stayed quiet as I heard her sniffle "I love you too"

We both shared another passionate kiss as everyone started cheering and celebrating around us. "Yay! Y/N is back to normal" Amber said cheering.

"Well played Y/N.. well played" Albedo said smiling as he walked away.

~Zhongli's POV~

"So, they ignored my warning and fell in love with each other after all? Pathetic" Xiao said teleported back onto the ground beside me.

"Leave it be.. those two are happy" I smiled.

I had my suspicions about Y/N at first, she actually seems like the kind of person who cares a lot about the people she loves.. I'm glad Ganyu can experience love with someone like her.

"Come on, it's time for us to head back now" I said walking away as Xiao joined me.

~Y/N's POV~

Everyone was meeting Ganyu and hugging her. They really loved her!

I looked around to see Aether and Paimon sitting by a lake on their own.

I walked over to them "it's okay Aether.. Paimon's sure we'll find your sister again"

I sat beside them, "Aether.. take this" I gave him the hair pin from Lumine's hair.

"It might not seem like such a big deal but.. based off that elemental sight of yours.. I'm sure if you use it on this it'll lead you right to her"

"I.. thanks Y/N" He hugged me and clenched onto the hairpin. I hugged him back.

"If you ever need my help, let me know.. knights have to look out for each other" I said standing up.

"Are you two heading off?" I asked them. "Yep! Can't stick around here too long, next stop... Inazuma!" Paimon said.

"Haha yeah.. we'll miss you Y/N" Aether and Paimon waved as they headed off.

The people of Monstadt started heading back inside and going back to their normal lives.

"Jean.. thank you, this picture helped me remember who I was" I hugged her.

"I knew you could do it Y/N.. I never doubted you for a second" She hugged me back.

"Speaking of which.. why do you still have this photo?" She snatched it from my hands embarrassed.

"No reason! Forget about it okay?!" She said going back into the city.

"Well, I guess that just leaves us huh Ganyu?"

"I guess so heh.. what should we do?"

"Today was a long day for us.. let's just go relax someplace" I said as she agreed.

It was finally over. I got my memory back, everyone is safe, and I now have someone to love.. I've never been happier..


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