Chapter 18 | For The Love Of Rex Lapis

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~Y/N's POV~

"Do you guys know what's going on?" I rubbed my arms trying to stay warm.

"We were going to ask you the same thing.. oh Paimon is freezing!" Paimon said throwing a tantrum.

I noticed two other people accompanying Aether and Paimon. "Who are they?" I asked pointing to them.

"Ah right.. this is Zhongli and Xiao. They're also here to figure out this crisis." Aether said.

"Xiao huh? Yes.. I remember him.."

"Sorry I got distracted.. It's nice to meet you both, though this isn't exactly a heart filled setting.." I said greeting them.


"There isn't any time for friendly gestures and greetings.. Liyue is never cold" Xiao said interrupting Zhongli.

"Can we sit inside someplace? We're all going to freeze to death out here!!"

We all found someplace warm to discuss possible causes of this disaster.

"Maybe it was just bad weather?" Paimon suggested but Xiao shook his head.

"Unlikely, for as long as Liyue has been founded, it never snowed like this before."

"..speaking of.. Ganyu has been missing for quite some time.."

It got quiet after that then we all jumped out of our seats.


We then ran out to try to look for her.

"Perhaps Ganyu has something to do with the sudden change in weather?" I shook my head. "Nah.. it could just be a coincidence..I hope so.." I thought.

"This is so strange! She didn't even try to leave a letter!" Paimon threw a tantrum.. again.


I recalled receiving a letter at my door earlier.

"Paimon you're a genius!" I said running off.

~Zhongli's POV~

"I can't quite put my finger on it.. but something is off about this 'Y/N'.."

"Aww shucks- hey where are you going?!" Paimon yelled out for her but she already disappeared.

"Genius huh? I always thought of you as being emergency food, I guess times changed" Aether laughed as Paimon got mad again.


"You feel it too, don't you?" Xiao said as I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Something isn't right with that girl.. she showed up out of nowhere, now suddenly for the first time, Liyue's weather has taken a turn for the worst."

I only nodded. It is very coincidental, then again, there could be a major piece we're missing to this hell of a puzzle.

"Im back!" Y/N said running up to us. "This..letter....I got earlier.." she said pausing a few times to catch her breath.

I took the letter into my hands and began looking over it.

"What does it say?" Aether asked while helping Y/N.


"The Abyss Order."

"The abyss order?! What do they want??"

"No clue, but whatever it is, that must be the reason for Ganyu's sudden disappearance and the weather change." I suggested.

Xiao crossed his arms and without saying anything he vanished.

"Geez he could stand to let people know he's leaving!"

"It's fine, for now we'll have to hunt this "Abyss Order" down" Y/N said standing up and leaving as we followed her.

~3rd Person's POV~
———Somewhere Far Away——

"Have you completed your mission" ??? asked.

"....Yes..master" Ganyu said bowing.


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