Chapter 10 | Next Mission

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~3rd Person's POV~

As promised, they all met up the next day after closing hours to put an end to the stormterror crisis. Diluc's "reinforcement" was no other than the acting grand master who's tonight: Jean.

"Is this everyone?" Paimon asked as they looked around and nodded.

"Let's go save Dvalin!" They all ran/floated out. "Where exactly do we look for Dvalin?" Y/N asked following behind the rest.

"There's this old place around Monstadt that is now known as Stormterror's Lair" Jean said.

"Stormterror's Lair huh? Sounds spooky" Y/N said with a slight shiver. "You aren't scared are you?" Aether joked. The two of them including Paimon have become good friends in those two weeks that Y/N has known them.

Jean interrupted their bickering "Be cautious moving forward, anything and everything can attack at any mome-" "Jean, they'll be fine. They're Knights remember?" Diluc said sounding irritated.

It's not that he WAS irritated. He just dislikes the authority Knights because of his own personal feelings.

"You're right.."

"Let's see.. traveler you take care of removing the barriers, the rest of us will defend you in means necessary." Venti said.

Paimon huffed "Heyyyy you just wanna slack off"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he stays on task" Diluc reassured her.

After 20 minutes of puzzle solving and defeating enemies, they've finally became face to face with Dvalin.

"Y/N, ready to test your skills?" Aether said summoning his sword. "Uh- yeah!" She said also summoning her sword.

"We'll leave this to you guys then" Venti said giving two thumbs up. "Be careful" Jean said, worried but hopeful.

Y/N still feeling uneasy as ever. I mean, she lost her memory and now has to fight a dragon which is considered normal.

Aether pat her on her shoulder as he could tell how nervous she was. Once she finally calmed down reasonable enough, the battle between Dvalin and the knights began.

"I'll attack from the left you go right" Aether said as she nodded. Using Aether's windglider he glided to the top left near Dvalin's poison filled spikes ready to attack.

"Cmon Y/N, what are you waiting for?!" Aether yelled. "I-I.." just then Dvalin made a screeching noise before using his claw to attack Y/N.

Y/N took a gigantic scratch on her face and part of her clothes torn in the process. "Y/N!!!" Paimon floated to her as Aether tried to defeat Dvalin on his own.

"Are you okay?!" Paimon said helping her stand back up after her stumble. "I'm fine.." she said as she ripped the rest of her shirt off and started cleaning up the stream of blood coming down her face and neck.

"Oh crap, oh crap!" Paimon said panicking as she tried to help Y/N as much as she could.

After struggling for a while Aether took the last swing at Dvalin's spike which ended the battle. The whole place started to collapse right after as the heroes started to slip and fall.

Just as they were about to fall into an endless void. Dvalin came and saved them.

Upon wakening a soft and delicate voice rang in Dvalin's ear:

"It's been a while since we last flew together like this, huh Dvalin?"


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