Chapter 1 | The Strict Knight

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~Y/N's POV~

*Knock Knock* I heard a knock on my door. "State your name and business" I said as I didn't take my eyes off my work.

"Calvary Captain here for a small cha-" I interrupted him, "I'm busy with ACTUAL work. I don't have time for your foolish pointless chit chat" He was already standing in front of me by the time I finished speaking.

"Is that a way to talk to your superior?" He said raising one eyebrow and leaning down on my desk.

"No but-" I slapped his hand off my desk, "-It is a way to talk to someone who takes their job as a joke" He pulled back his arm and started rubbing it. "Y'know your strictness will come back and sting you"

I paused for a moment "so will your cockiness" he looked a bit offended but shrugged it off.

"Calvary Captain Kaeya I could have sworn I said to state your business. I know you aren't here for an idle chit chat" I said finishing up a few documents.

"Ah you know me so well Ms. Y/N" I rolled my eyes. "Speak." He cleared his throat and continued.

"Ever want to.. adventure?"

"What?" I said pulling out some files. He then grabbed them and threw the files across the room causing all the papers to scatter.

"What's your problem?!" I said getting out my seat to go pick them up as he grabbed my arm and took me out of my office.

"I got her!" He said dragging me into Jean's office with Jean, Amber, and Lisa awaiting there.

"What's the meaning of this?!" I said yanking my arm back and wiping it. "Have a seat please." Jean said, sounding a bit irritated.

"Yes ma'am" I sat down feeling a bit uneasy. "Now.. please take a break." I sat in shock. "What do you mean break? I can't possibly take a break when there are still-"

Lisa interrupted me. "I took care of all the upcoming documents yesterday evening" I started to feel anxious.

"Well I need to-" Amber cut me off. "I already did the scouting and patrolling" I looked at her as she smiled.

"Then I'm guessing-" Kaeya finished my sentence. "I already did an investigation on the Abyss order" he winked at me which I almost gagged.

"Y/N.. we all care about you. We want to make sure you aren't working yourself to death" I stood up out my chair.

"You're one to talk! Everyone can depend on you and you always overwork yourself!" I said staring into her eyes. She had a bit of sadness behind them.

"I apologize, grand master" I said fixing my posture. She didn't say anything just looked at me. I blushed a bit out of awkwardness and accepted.

"Yay!!" Amber said basically jumping into my arms, and Lisa clapping. Jean looked relieved then smiled.

"Great! Now let's have a drink to that!" Jean got a bit irritated. "You're still on hours Calvary Captain"

Kaeya scratched the back of his head "I forgot." He smiled nervously.

Later on that afternoon everyone and I mean EVERYONE in Monstadt came to see me off. Including Timmie.

As I was turning and leaving I can hear people shout things like "Bye Y/N!" "Save Travels!" "Don't stay gone for too long" "You're scaring the pigeons away!" "we'll miss you!" I even heard one guy shout "I'll send you letters!"

Then I was off. Monstadt's city completely vanished from my sight. I was already starting to feel home sick.

"Absolutely absurd, when I want to work it's too much, but when I don't want to I don't deserve to be a knight, I don't get it!"

I said stomping like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "All of them are fools" I said huffing and puffing.

"Ugh I feel like I've been walking for decades! Where am I even going?" I noticed as I seemed to be lost. I asked a passing person who seemed to be in a hurry.

"Excuse me" I stopped the girl who looked to be carrying groceries.

"Oh, hello!" She smiled and waved. "Do you know what place this is? I've seem to have gotten lost"

She tilted her head a bit "You're in Liyue! Actually you're right around the corner of Liyue harbor"

"I see, hey can I ask what your na-" she started running away "sorry can't talk long I have to get to cooking! See ya!"

"Great.. I'm stuck in Liyue harbor and have no idea where anything is.. absurd."

I started walking to who knows where until I heard someone scream out. "What the hell-"I then saw a big tree fly over my head and part of it was on fire.

"Someone help please!" I saw someone trapped in a cage. I summoned my sword as I saw 2.. no not 2.. 3 axe wielding mitachurls surrounding the cage.

Without hesitation I ran into the middle of it and took on the closest one to me. It infused it's axe with Pyro and began to swing the axe towards me.

I was barely able to get away as the tip of my hair burned off.

Shit.. what do I do? I then heard arrows being shot and icicles fall to the ground. It hit all the of them at once.

As they were stunned for a bit the person ran up to me. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt are you?" I grabbed my sword again "I can handle myself I don't need your help" I said annoyed as I shrugged her hand off my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to get in your way I just-" I turned to her. "Then stop getting in my way, is all you know how to do is get on people's nerves?" I don't know the girl yet but she was already annoying me.

"I just wanted to help I'm sorry" she said lowering her bow a bit. "I told you I don't need your-"


I heard her yell. Everything suddenly went all dark.



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