Chapter 20 | I Remember Now

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(This Chapter Contains: "We will Be Reunited Again" Spoilers!)

~Y/N's POV~

I started to hesitate a bit but I didn't let my guard down.

What did she mean by she had something to do with my memory loss?

"This is getting boring.." the smoke gathered around Ganyu again

"Kill her"

My heart dropped my my stomach. I wasn't worried though, I know Ganyu wouldn't hurt me.


"If you don't kill her, I will. Don't make a decision you'll regret"

The shadow then became a figure.

"Lumine!" I heard Aether yell in a distance.

"Aether.. I see you've chosen to stay in this world. Shame.. why did things have to turn out this way?"

She snapped her fingers which opened a portal. Tall creatures started coming out of there attacking everyone.

Ganyu read in a book about them to me before, I think they're called abyss heralds.

"Ganyu, make your choice.. times ticking"

I looked over at Ganyu. I saw her mouth the words "I'm sorry" before striking me with an icicle knocking me off the flower pad.

"Y/N!" I heard Jean said as she tried to hurry and catch me before I fell.

I looked up to see someone had caught me. "Xiao! You saved me"

"You fool. Stay out of this. You obviously have no clue of what's going on since you lost your memory. Just stay out of our way."

He said placing me on the ground and teleporting back up there.

Maybe he's right... I don't know anything. I barely remember how to fight. Why? Why? I don't know how to do anything! Why am I even here?!?? My whole existence is just meaningless!!

"Y/N! Catch!" Jean said throwing something toward me.

"What the-" I stared at the picture shocked. It was a picture of what looks like a younger version of me and Jean.

"Y/N! Remember us!"



"Jean.. take care of Y/N for us.."
"As of today, Y/N is officially apart of the Knights of Favonius!"
"My dear Y/N.. we love you very much.. don't ever forget that"
"Y/N! Wanna go sparing in the training lounge?"
"Y/N, I'm leaving the people of Monstadt in your hands"
"Y/N L/N.."


"My name.." I stood up and grabbed my weapon "IS Y/N" I said attacking nearby hilichurls that were in my way.

~Albedo's POV~

I saw Y/N slaying hilichurls like I've never seen her do before.

"Heh.. our Y/N.. is back at last"

I helped her back up into the air.

~Y/N's POV~

"You." I pointed my sword at them. "You were the girl why distracted me into getting my memory erased weren't you? Ganyu?"

I said coldly. I was pissed. "Y/N I-" I cut her off, "I'll deal with you later."

"Y/N, please don't kill her! She's my sister!" I heard Aether yell.

"Shut up! After all the hell she put me through.. I'm not holding back" I said jumping into the air and clashing swords with her.

"This is more interesting!" Lumine said dodging my attacks.

"Shut up and die already" Abyss Heralds starting gathering around me.

"Attack her!" She ordered them as they started charging toward me.

The sky suddenly turned purple as I seen Lisa deliver a terrifying shock that defeated them.

"A- thanks Lisa.. though I could of done it on my own"

"No problem hun!" She yelled defending the city.

"Ha.. you're good" Lumine said panting as I stood there with my sword aimed at her head.

"Give me three reasons why I shouldn't end your life right now."

"You wouldn't even if you could"

"Why wouldn't I?"

She laughed then pointed behind me.

"If you do, he'll never forgive you.. in fact, I think Aether will hate you. After all, his only goal is to find me.. if you kill me his life would be meaningless, would it not?"

I knew she was right. "Fine" I grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up.

"If you ever hurt me, or the people of Monstadt again.." I looked her in the eyes "I'll kill you"

I said as I released her. "Don't think this is over, I'll come back and make every last one of you perish!" She said as she opened the portal again.

"Lumine wait!" Aether said trying to reach for her as she quickly escaped through the portal, along with the hilichurls and abyss heralds.


Everything seem to be back to normal. The skies cleared up again, the ice shards melted, everything was fixed except for one thing.


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