Chapter 7 | The Truth

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~Y/N's POV~
I see a little girl dressed in read clothes run up to me and jump on me.

She nuzzled into my arms "I missed yoooouuu!" I looked at Ganyu then back at the girl. "Heyyy you.."

I then see a blonde boy approach us. "Klee, don't ambush miss Y/N on her first day back, I'm sure she's already tired"

He then looked over at me and smiled "Miss Y/N, it's nice to see you have returned, but if you don't mind me asking.."

I got really nervous. "Why did it take you so long to return? You've been gone for over three months"

Shit has it really been three months? Time sure does fly when you don't know anything.. "I- uh I was training, yeah that's it!"

He seemed suspicious at first. "Klee, Do you want to go play with Jean? She has some time to herself" the girl jumped out my arms.

"Yay! Jean! Jean!" She started running off. Then he turned back to me and Ganyu.

"Come see me at my workspace, if my assumptions are false you'll know exactly where to go." He walked away.

I sighed "Holy crap that was terrifying I wonder what assumptions he has"

Ganyu went quite for a bit. "Ganyu?" I tapped her shoulder "We can't keep this a secret, it's not good for you or the people who care about you"

"I.. you're right, I really want to know more about my past."

We both nodded and decided that it was best to tell someone about it. Honestly, was it really a secret to begin with? I mean other than getting past the front gates it wouldn't have benefited us if we kept it under wraps.

~3rd Person POV~

Y/N and Ganyu both visited shops waiting for Albedo's return. From visiting the black smith to going to buy souvenirs. "Hey Ganyu, which one of the souvenirs do you like?"

"Oh hoho! souvenir shopping for the one you love huh? I have great picks for you" Margarie said.

Both Ganyu's and Y/N's face went completely red, almost like a bright red tomato.

"It's not like- I mean we- we're just here for some souvenirs.." Y/N said looking down at the ground lightly kicking rocks.

"Indeed it's not anything like that.." Ganyu said also avoiding eye contact and fiddling her fingers once more.

"Hehe.. anyways you two are in luck! Some new items just arrived today! You won't believe it but there are even some from Liyue!" She said placing the items on the counter. Meanwhile Ganyu got sidetracked and started looking at all the Monstadt souvenirs, which Y/N couldn't blame her.

Truthfully it's not that amusing, Y/N's been in Liyue for months and mainly seen all of this already. "hm?" She looked over to see a light blue and purple flower lying on the counter.

"Excuse me, could you tell me what that flower is right there?"

"Oh this thing? It's called a glaze lily, one of Liyue's local flowers. I heard that at night they close and at day they open! Isn't that unbelievable?!"

"Glaze lily... glaze lily!" She remembered the time Ganyu mentioned that it was her favorite flower.

"I'll take all you got" she began to take all of her mora out of her pockets.

"Oh.. I apologize miss Y/N but here I only accept sigils of Anemo"

"I- oh I see" she laughed nervously. "But, since you are a Knight of Favonius I'll make an exception"

She accepted the mora Y/N offered in exchange for the glaze lily.

"If you don't mind me asking miss Y/N.. is this for that girl behind you?" She pointed to Ganyu.

Y/N got flustered "G-ganyu? No no she's just a friend!"

She starting laughing "Sure, sure anyways seeing as though this is a gift , let me put it in a gift box for you"

She began placing the flower into a pastel blue box with a white ribbon wrapped around it.

"Okay, make sure you give her this at the right time, don't give it to her too early and not too late, got that?"

Y/N was writing on her hand "not too early..not too late"

"You don't have to write it down! Just give it to her whenever the time feels right"

Y/N mumbled to herself "whenever the time feels right huh?.. every time I'm with her feels like the right time"

"N- I mean miss Y/N are you ready to go?" Ganyu asked approaching us.

"Y-yeah! I'm ready!" Y/N smiley and wrapped her arm around Ganyu's shoulder.

"We'll be leaving now, cya!" They both waved and walked away.

Once they walked out of the shop, they were faced with the Chief Alchemist Knights of Favorite himself, Albedo whom seemed to not be very pleased.

"Oh..heyyy you! long time no see?" Y/N said nervously.

He stood there looking at them both "I see.. my accusations seem to be correct. Follow me, both of you." He said walking away. Which Ganyu and Y/N followed behind.

"What do you think this could be about?" Y/N whispered to Ganyu which she shrugged "no idea, I just hope it's not anything bad"

It took them a while but they made it to Dragonspine, which was unfamiliar to Ganyu and Y/N.

"This is my workspace" he walked inside, "have a seat please"

They both sat. "You're not really miss Y/N, are you?"

They both froze.



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