Chapter 16 | Breaking the rules

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~Ganyu's POV~

Me and Y/N had been dating for about a week, I never thought I would have feelings for someone like this..

"Foolish.." I was faced with an angry Xiao. "You didn't seriously think you can have relations with a human?"

"I- well I" I was so nervous. "Answer me."

"But Cloud Retainer said.." "It doesn't matter what she said, you should know better than anyone else that this is a bad idea"

"Getting involved with a human under our circumstances? Get real Ganyu."

I couldn't say anything I just looked to the ground.

"...Their lifespans are short.. they'll die out the moment you get close to them. Don't make that mistake."

He said as he teleported away.

"Maybe he's right..but.."


"Whenever I replay that voice in my head, I can't let that go.. she makes me happy"

I sighed as I also left.

I've never been so conflicted in my life.. maybe it's for the best if I-

"Hey Ganyu! Look at this!" My thoughts were interrupted by Y/N calling me over.

"It's a baby boar! It's it adorable?" She was petting it.

Strange.. why didn't it run away?

"Yes it is very adorable" I said squatting down.

"One day Ganyu.. let's adopt a child of our own" her eyes met mines.

"A-a child?!" I quickly stood up. "Well yeah why not? We're already officially aren't we?" She also stood up as the boar ran off.

"It's just that.. I've never thought about things like that.."

She lightly patted me on the back and gave me a small kiss on my cheek.

"Don't worry, that time won't come for years" She said smiling.

"Right.." she pulled me into a hug. "Sorry I sprung that onto ya, I was just caught up in the moment"

"No no it's fine..yeah.. one day..let's have a kid"

Meanwhile In Monstadt—

~3rd Person's POV~

"Albedo how could you do this? I trusted you!" Jean said furious.

"With all do respect grandmaster.. Y/N is not a child anymore, we all have to let go sometimes" Albedo said in his calm voice.

"Ah the chief alchemist getting scolded? This is a sight to see" Kaeya said as Lisa elbowed him. "Save the taunting"

"Oww..what a buzzkill" he shrugged.

"But Y/N..she's.." Jean said slowly sitting in her chair.

"It's time to face reality, as badly as we all want her here she's old enough to make her own decision, and deal with the consequences." Albedo said as the whole office went silent.

"...get out" "what?" "I said..get out! All of you!"

They all quickly exited the room leaving Jean there crying. "Damnit Y/N.. why are you so difficult?"

"I've never seen her get that upset before" Lisa said looking back at the door. "Jean.." Amber said saddened.
Kaeya didn't say anything, he figured keeping quiet was the best thing.

"Tch" Albedo said as he left. The atmosphere became so gloomy.

—-Back To Liyue—-

Ganyu and Y/N went adventuring, from climbing mountains to picking flowers.

"Hey Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I never got the chance to ask but, what's your favorite type flower?"

"Hmmm I'd have to say F/F (Favorite flower) the color of them is just so mesmerizing"

"Haha I see"

Once they were done hanging out for the day, they decided to go to Wangshu Inn.

Once they arrived and scheduled a room, they saw Xiao on the balcony.

"Who's that?" "Ah h-him? His name is uh"

Ganyu remembered that she shouldn't call his name or else she'll get his attention. "Let's just go to our room.."

As they turned around Xiao was standing right in front of them.

"O-oh Xiao! You frightened me.." "Who is this?"

"This is.. Y/N a good friend of mine"

"Friend?.." Y/N whispered to herself.
Xiao started at the two before walking back to the balcony "Pathetic." With that, he jumped off.

"Phew.. alright Y/N let's-" I turned around to see her completely out of sight. "Y/N?"

~Y/N's POV~

Ganyu am I really just a good friend? After all the things we did together?

Just then I felt a raindrop land on my head as it started pouring rain.

That's just perfect.. am I jinxed or something?

I sighed as I continued walking away from the building. "How lame of me.."

"Y/N wait up!" Knowing that voice I didn't stop and continued walking.

"Y/N please come back inside! You'll catch a cold!" She said running up behind me and putting her hand on my shoulder which I smacked it off.

"How could you say I'm a 'good friend' after everything we did together?! I let you see my most vulnerable side, I shared things with you that I'd never do with anyone else, so why?! Why did you agree to be mine? Or are you so dense you think kissing means friends?!-"

I was interrupted by Ganyu placing a kiss on my lips, this one was different from all the others though, she slipped her tongue into mine as they intertwined.

Once we parted to catch our breath she hugged me. "Y/N you don't understand do you? I am deeply in love with you"

I started blushing and tearing up and I was punching her chest repeatedly "let me go! I don't want to be anywhere near you if I'm just going to be your friend"

"Listen to me Y/N.. I only said that in front of Xiao, earlier he was pestering me about you, saying how I shouldn't be with you and that it'll only turn out for the worst.."

I sniffled "why do you care so much about what other people think.." I said as I slowly stopped punching her.

"Honestly I have no idea.. but I do know that I am seriously in love with you.. more than my heart can content"

I completely let my guard down as she kissed me again.

"So does that officially make you my girlfriend?" I said hugging her back.

"Hmm I don't know, let's go dry off first then maybe I'll think about it"

"Why you!" I started chasing her back to Wangshu Inn as she laughed.

Life with Ganyu is going to be so adventurous.. this is only the beginning of our story.


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