Chapter 5 |From the City of Freedom

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~Ganyu's POV~

I told N/N last time that we would be going somewhere. Truth is we'll be going to Monstadt. Hopefully someone there will know more about her to help her regain her memory.

"Heyyy! Ganyuuu!" I turned to see N/N running and waving towards me. "Oh, hello N/N, are you all prepared?"

She nodded after catching her breath"Yes, I don't have much possessions so.. I'm ready!"

I slightly sighed, "Great, I unfortunately.. took some time off work so we have a few hours, though I'm afraid when I get you to Monstadt I won't be able to stay with you"

She seemed a bit down "Oh.. I understand, it'll be sad to go our separate ways, especially since we've known each other for some time now, yes?"

I could only nod. As much as I might not want to admit it but I've actually gotten attached to N/N in the time we spent together. She's like a um.. how should I describe it. She's like a pet or some sort.

She shook her head and walked forward, "Well! Monstadt won't come to us, let's get going!"

I ran after her "Hey wait up!"

"Hey Ganyu?"


"If Monstadt is the city of freedom, what does that make Liyue?"

"Oh, have I not told you in all this time? Liyue is the city of contracts."

"Contracts.. does that mean we have a contract?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you said it yourself didn't you? We're partners"

I scratched the back of my head nervously, how could I say something so embarrassing? "Ah r-right.. now that you mention it. I guess that means we do have a contact"

She stopped walking "But.. we'll be separated"

I hadn't really thought of it like that. She'll be in Monstadt and I'll be in Liyue. Miles and Miles apart.

"Hey now don't think of it like that, I promise to come visit from time to time"

She softly smiled, I could tell she still wasn't very content with my response.

"N/N listen I- ah it's raining?"

I said as I reached out my hand just to see the rain droplet absorb into my glove.

"Drat.. I apologize I wasn't informed that today would be raining, otherwise I'd pick another day"

She waved her hands in front of her "No no it's fine, you didn't know anyways don't worry about it it's not your fault, still we should find someplace to wait out the rain"

After about 14 minutes of walking in rain which now turned into a storm we found a hilichurl camp.

I defeated most of the hilichurls since N/N still hasn't figured out how to summon her weapon.

"Ganyu wait!" I stopped fighting. "What is it?"
"We should get one of them to light a fire inside the hut, since neither of us have a pyro vision" she pointed to a hut with barrels and sticks that could start a fire.

"Of course, good thinking N/N" I ran inside the hut and stood behind the wooden sticks so the hilichurl could shoot it. Once it shot it and made the sticks catch on fire, I signaled N/N to go inside as I defeated the remaining one. Soon after I joined her inside.

She sat down and put her hands in front of the fire "Ah this heat is so refreshing, thank you Ganyu"

"Me? It was your quick thinking that got us this" I sat down beside her enjoying the nice feeling of the heat.

"Maybe but, if you didn't teach me about visions, hilichurls, or thinking in a timely manner I wouldn't have thought of that" she flashed a smile at me. "Thank you"

I blushed a bit feeling embarrassed "It was nothing, glad to help is all"

I heard her stomach rumble. "Ah, are you hungry?" I can tell she was embarrassed, her ears glowed red. "Yes I'm sorry"

"No need to apologize, let's see they're some barrels here, hopefully there's something to eat in here" I opened the crates and barrels.

"Well, we have.. an apple, a radish?, tomatoes and lettuce" I gathered them all and brought them back over to her.

"The apple sounds like the best option" I handed it to her and sat back down.

"Here, we can't have you not eat anything now can we?" She held out her hand which had a half of an apple in it.

"Oh no i-I'm fine" I tried telling her but she put it in my hands regardless of my protests.

"I'd feel guilty if I ate the whole thing by myself, besides just think of it as giving your body a reward, it's taken care of you since now so why not?" She continued to eat her apple.

Her analogy was strange yet cute in a way. I ate the apple and smiled a bit. "This is nice.." I slipped out a bit.

"If you think getting soaked in rain and going hungry is nice, you're strange" she laughed.

"N-no! I meant this part, just sitting in front of the heat like this and enjoying the pitter patters of the rain, the feeling is lovely" I held my chest.

"I was only kidding, but you're right this feeling is really relaxing- Hey I found one of their blanket cloak thingies" she picked up a kinda torn apart cloak.

She then began to wrap it around her "This cloak is strangely comfortable I must say" she was warming up to it.

She then opened up one side as if she were inviting me to join her.

"Ah it's fine, I feel just fine" I reinsured her. "Please? It feels kinda weird being in this big thing by myself"

I sighed in defeat then joined her under the cloak as she wrapped it around my arm. This is actually the closest we've been to each other. Her warmth is so comforting.. I could stay like this for an eternity.

I was drifting off until I felt something fall onto my shoulder as I slightly flinched. "Hu- oh N/N it's just you." I looked down at her. She looked to peaceful sleeping, as if she was a goddess herself.

"N/N.. the time I spent with you these past few months have been nothing but enjoyable.. I'll be sad do when you leave tomorrow, but I know it's what best for you but.. I'll miss you. Thank you for being my pride.."

After a while I was drifting..then drifting.. then I fell asleep.

~Y/N's POV~

"Ganyu.. you're my savior." I also fell asleep as I rested onto her shoulder.


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