Chapter 9 |They call him Dvalin

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~Y/N's POV~

"Have you ever heard the tale of a man and his drinking bottle?"

"What? Are you speaking in code or something?" I was already exhausted.

"Yo-ho~ do I spot a traveler, his traveling companion, and a knight in the distance?" I saw a short kid in green say waving and walking towards us.

Paimon floated towards him. "Tone-deaf bard!" "Hey Venti!" Erm.. I guess I should say something "Um hello there child?"

"Child?! I'll have you know I'm ages and AGES older than-" I saw Aether elbow him and whisper something into his ear.

"I mean.. ahem. I am no child I am a bard" he said pulling out his lyre.

"Oh my apologies!" I said continuously bowing in forgiveness. "Sure, you can apologize by taking us out for drinks- uh nonalcoholic beverages for Paimon and the traveler though"

Once I took them out for drinks, I then realized that I was used.

So mean! I slugged in my chair like an upset toddler.

"So they're calling him stormterror now huh..?" I overheard Venti and Aether chatting.

A red haired man that seemed to be working as a bartender also joined in on their conversation. Which curiosity killed the cat so I obviously wanted to find out more myself.

~3rd Person's POV~
Y/N then became part of the conversation which Diluc and Venti were a bit hesitant but Aether told them it was okay.

"Paimon's made up her mind! We're gonna save Dvalin!" Y/N's heart felt like it did a back flip.

Dvalin? That name sounds familiar.. where did I hear that before?

"Dvalin!" Y/N shouted out as she stood up from her stool. Everyone stared at her for a second then resumed talking.

"Anyways.. I'll make sure to bring a trusted reinforcement." Diluc said.
"Then it's settled! We'll meet her tomorrow after closing hours to discuss the operation: Save Dvalin"

Both Venti and Paimon started cheering as Diluc left the Tavern.

"Y/N are you okay?" Aether asked as he went and sat next to her.

She perked up suddenly "Hm? Me? Just fine! Why do you ask?"

"Well I noticed that ever since Paimon mentioned Dvalin you've been acting strange" he said drinking the rest of his drink.

"Ahaha.. it's a long story" She said also gulping down the rest of her drink.

"Traveler! Let's go Paimon's getting sleepyyyy" she said pulling his arm.

"Ah okay! We'll talk later Y/N get some rest" Aether smiled as he left the tavern leaving Y/N alone.

~Y/N's POV~

"What would Ganyu do in this position?" I asked myself as I pulled the gift out of my pocket. "Oh! I should write a letter with it since I tend to stutter a lot when I'm nervous.." I asked the other customers who weren't completely drunk yet for a pen and paper.

"Okay! Um.. what should I say? Ganyu.. you are the- no.. that doesn't quite sound right"

I stayed up almost all night until the bartender kicked me out. It took me a while but I think I finally got it. Hopefully what I wrote will be enough to express how I truly feel.

Ganyu is a great friend.

The night finally arrived when we were all going to save this "Dvalin" whomever that was.

Somewhere in Liyue..

~Ganyu's POV~

"Miss Ganyu, we're relieved of your return but.. don't you think you're working a bit too much?"

"Hm? No no it's no trouble at all. In fact I'm glad to be back home.." I smiled then I felt myself frown without realizing.

"Home, huh?"

Home is wherever you are.. wherever we are.

"Sorry! I was spacing out, don't worry I'm fine" I insisted as I gestured them out the door.

"Phew, I wonder what you're doing right now" I giggled to myself "Miss Y/N"


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