Chapter 15| Date Night

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~3rd Person's POV~

Y/N spent all evening searching for a "perfect" spot to have their first date. She was determined to find Ganyu the right place.

Meanwhile Ganyu went on a trip to visit Cloud Retainer for a little while.

"Greeting Cloud Retainer" Ganyu said as she entered into her domain. "Ah Ganyu, how pleasant one is to see you, one may ask why one visits so suddenly?"

"Why, I came to have a chat with you"

They spent hours talking among themselves.

"So tell me, when was one going to mention a potential love interest?" Cloud Retainer asked.

"Ah love?!" Ganyu said flustered. "Wait how did you-"

"One sees all over Liyue, don't tell me one has forgotten?" She said as she started walking away.

"Forgive me, Cloud Retainer"

"One needn't worry, though one should not be blinded by the sight of love"

She continued, "One's eyes tell a significant story, whether one is receiving advice from others or not, one should always choose their own path."

She said as she disappeared leaving Ganyu stunned. She hadn't realized her feelings until someone else noticed them.

She really was blindly in love.

Ganyu left the domain and looked around town for a while until it was time for her date.

After hours of searching, Y/N finally found the "perfect" place for the two of them to have a date.

"Okay.. camp of hilichurls cleared, ah I need to find a bard to play some music.., nice view of Liyue, fireflies to light of the night sky, and done!" Y/N said proudly as she put her hands on her hip.

She left the place to get washed up and changed, who knows? She might wear something fancy and elegant for this special night.

Meanwhile with Ganyu, she just finished looking around town as the evening was slipping away.

"Ganyu?" Y/N said as Ganyu turned around to see her in her most elegant clothing she ever wore.

"Oh! Y/N you look.. you look beautiful" Ganyu said smiling full heartedly.

"Ah thank you, this was just something I found last minute"

(A/N: You can decide what you want to wear because clothes have no gender!)

"Apologies, I was so busy looking around I didn't think of changing"

"Don't worry about it, you look beautiful" Y/N said reassuring her.

She lightly blushed as the two of them went to their date spot.

"Okay Ganyu, close your eyes" "u- I don't really-"

"Do you trust me?"

Ganyu nodded and closed her eyes as she was instructed. She then began to hear a bard playing music.

(Music at beginning)

"Annnnd.. you can open your eyes now!"

Ganyu opened her eyes to see a beautiful scenery of Glaze lilies, fireflies, a waterfall, and the most beautiful sight of all.. Y/N.

"Y/N! H-how did you find this place?"

"Hehe I have my ways.. come sit with me"

Ganyu sat beside Y/N admiring the wonderful atmosphere. "I'm sorry I didn't set a time where the glaze lilies would be blooming"

"No no, everything is.. this is perfect"

"Ganyu... I have something for you" Y/N said as she pulled a pastel blue box with a white ribbon from behind her back.

"Ah I'm not really good with words.. but I wrote a letter, so.. would you mind reading it?"

Ganyu sat in shock for a moment then agreed.

She began reading:

"Dear Ganyu,

  I haven't figured out what these emotions I have are yet. I've never experienced them before but... I do know that whenever I'm around you, my heart loses control. I feel at home.. As the fireflies may sparkle and shine on the darkest nights, or even lanterns that may glow and glam.. the brightest thing I have ever seen in my life: Is you. Your smile, your eyes, your horns.. everything about you, that I learned about you thus far... it's astonishing. It draws me into you more. I don't know exactly what my heart has planned for me in the future. However I do know that I want to explore this with you. I know writing this letter instead of saying it may sound like I'm being a coward but.. my heart hurts when I'm not with you.. and I don't want it to hurt anymore. So, let's explore these 'feelings' together, partner. It's our contract."

She opened the box to see a glaze lily. This one was different somehow though, even late at night, it's still blooming.

"Y/N I-" "Ganyu.. I want to be with you.." Y/N said as she took both Ganyu hands into her own.

"Will you be mine?"

Despite how Y/N was a nervous train wreck, she was bold for Ganyu.

"I- I.." Ganyu's words couldn't come out correctly.

Seeing how flustered Ganyu became, Y/N pulled her into a kiss.

This kiss wasn't anything to take lightly, this kiss meant everything to them both. It signifies their development in love for each other, their trust in one another, their partnership..

It confirms their contract that they have been longing for. A contract of true love.


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