Chapter 14|We meet again Partner

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~Y/N's POV~

Okay gotta find Ganyu.. gotta find Ganyu..

If I were Ganyu, where would I be?

"She'd probably be at work!" I started running into Liyue.

Once I got inside it hit me. "In all this time I've know her.. I don't know where she works.." I said sighing.

I started looking around for her just in case she was leaving from work. I noticed a familiar face in the distance in doing so.

Traveler? Paimon? I thought to myself.

Wait a minute.. if they spot me, they'll take me back to Monstadt and I'll be in so much trouble!

I started to panic.

~Aether's POV~

"We just finished eating, Paimon.." I said sighing and pulling Paimon away from restaurants.

"Paimon is still hungry! Aww.." she said softly crying.

"Hey wait, is that.. Y/N?" Paimon said as I looked over.

Even in her disguise that she put on anyone who knew her could spot her a mile away. The scar on her face gave it away.

"Should we pretend we don't notice her?" I asked facepalming myself.

"Let's go see what she's up to" Paimon said floating away.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you need help with anything?" Paimon asked Y/N.

"U-uh yes actually! I was just looking for someone that's all, you wouldn't mind helping an old lady would you?"

Me and Paimon both gestured to each other to play along.

"Sure, who would this person be exactly?" I asked her holding back my laughs.

"I'm looking for someone named.. what was it again? Gachu, Gachon.."


"Yes! Ganyu that's the name! My old heart is so relieved you know who I'm talking about"

"Alright Y/N cut the act! We know it's really you" Paimon said crossing her arms.

"Fine.." she started taking off her disguise "but please don't let anyone know I'm here!"

"Paimon will keep her mouth shut.. only if you buy Paimon some yummy treats!" She said clearly blackmailing her.

After Y/N agreed to buy Paimon some snacks. We told her where Ganyu would most likely be.

"Cya Y/N!" Paimon said as I waved. Then we left.


I arrived at Ganyu's work place. It was so beautiful.

I knocked on the doors then entered with permission.

"May I help you?" One of the ladies that worked there asked me.

"um yes I'm looking for Ganyu, is she in today?"

"I'm sorry but Ganyu left early today, in fact she just left a few minutes ago"

"O-oh I see! Thanks anyways" I smiled then left.

Ganyu.. maybe this was fate that we never meet again.

"Aw man! My legs are soo tired.." I sat on the steps nearly passing out from heat exhaustion.

"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around and saw Ganyu.

"Ganyu?.. Ganyuuuu!" I said running over to her and hugging her. "I'm so happy to see you! I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too.. wait what happened to your face?! Are you okay?!" She said placing her hand on my face and running it across my scar.

"Ah well it's a long story.." she hugged me back then we both released each other after a while.

"Anyways.. did the potion take affect yet? Do you remember anything?" We both started walking around Liyue as we talked and caught up.

"No not yet, it might still take some time but at least it'll be quicker than it would have been"

"That's a relief" she said smiling and placing a hand over her chest.

"Uh Ganyu?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"Are you free tonight?" I stopped walking, so did she.

"Hmm no I don't think I have anything planned, why do you ask?"

"I- well you see I wanted to know if you would like to hang out.. or something like that" I turned completely red in the face. Who knew a question like that can be so embarrassing?

"L-like a date?" "It doesn't have to be one I was just-" "Sure, I'd love to go" Ganyu said smiling, her face was also red.

"Great! Then I'll pick you up at 17:00?"

She nodded, "sounds lovely"

"Ah okay, well see you then!" I said as I quickly ran off completely embarrassed.

~Ganyu's POV~

So this is what being asked out on a date feels like. I started giggling.

"Oh Y/N, whatever shall I do with you?" I said as I walked away.


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