Chapter 2 | Who am I?

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~Y/N's POV~

....*inaudible voice*... hey! .. Are you okay?! ....
please wake up!

"Wha-?" I suddenly woke up to someone lightly tugging on my arm.

"Ah you're awake!" She said quickly releasing my arm. "Forgive me I didn't mean to get in your way I was just trying to help"

"Who..are you?"

She quickly stood up and bowed. "My name is Ganyu, it's nice to meet you Miss..? Oh that's right, I haven't quite caught your name yet. If you don't mind me asking that is.. what is it?"


That's funny.. what exactly is my name? Did I even have a name to begin with?

I stammered a bit "I-I don't know my name.. who am I?" Her face basically went pale.

Before she checked my head for head injuries she asked for permission which I allowed.

"Oh dear! You must've hit your head while fighting the mitachurls!"

"What are mitachurls?"

"Your head is bleeding!" She started to panic "quick! We need to get you medical care!"

I held my head slightly. It was a throbbing pain. "Can you stand?" She asked me which I tried to stand up but tilted over a bit.

She put her arm around my waist and one of my arms around her shoulders and walked to where I'm guessing is the infirmary.

"Excuse me Qiqi, is Dr. Baizhu in today?" She asked the child behind the counter.

"Oh.. cocogoat.. Mister Baizhu went out for a little while.. he should be returning sho-"

"Ah do I have patients today?" The green haired man with a snake around his neck walked in.

"There he is... I'll go back to sleep now.." the child said as she walked away.

"Forgive me for not scheduling an appointment, but this lady needs help!" Ganyu said pointing at me.

"Let me have a look at her" He said squatting down while looking at me.

"What happened?" The man questioned turning back to Ganyu.

"Well um.. this lady here took on three mitachurls at once and I believe one hit her in her head. She passed out for about two hours and had woken up without remembering her name" Ganyu said fidgeting her fingers nervously.

"I see.." he turned back to me, "do you mind me taking a look at your head?" I shook my head and let him examine me.

"She seems to have taken some brain damage and has lost her memory" he stood up.

"I lost my.. memory?" I almost started to tear up.

"Her memory?! Oh please tell me it isn't permanent!"

He starting jotting something down in what looks like a notepad. "Fortunately enough, it doesn't seem like it's permanent, but she really took some damage, it might last a while"

"About how long would you say?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know, a day or two? Perhaps months maybe even years. I can't tell" He were listing times as he wrapped bandages around my head.

Ganyu put a hand over her chest. "Let me ask you something" The green haired man said "me?" I asked. He nodded, "Do you know what this is?"

He took out a yellow looking gem stone. "no I-I don't... should I know what this is?" I asked feeling nervous as if it's something I need to remember.

"It's your vision" he said clipping it onto my clothes. "What's a vision?" He turned to Ganyu and smiled.

"That's the fun part, you get to explain all of this to her"

"Me? I don't know the first thing about looking after someone! I'm nervous I'll mess up!" She started prancing around.

"You'll be fine. Just look after her and treat her like you would anyone else Miss Ganyu."

"Dr. Baizhu! We need you! It's urgent!" A man with a spear said. "Forgive me, I must be leaving now, oh and before I go"

He walked over to Ganyu and whispered something in her ear which made her face turn red.

"Til we meet again yes?" He left after that.

Ganyu sighed and looked back at me. "Looks like I'll be taking care of you" she gave me a sweet smile.

"O-okay!" I stood up and shook her hand.

~Ganyu's POV~

"You don't have to be so formal with me, honestly I'd prefer if you aren't" she nodded and smiled.

"Speaking of which.. what should I call you?" All she could do was shrug. If I don't know her name how would I know how to address her? I don't want to offend her or make her upset with me again..

"Oh! We'll just call you N/N (Nickname) until your memory comes back"

"N/N.." she repeated to herself.

We started walking out of Bubu pharmacy. "I'll take you to Wangshu Inn since you look like you could use some rest" I suddenly stopped realizing what I said.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that you just looked like you had a rough day and I just-" she put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"I understand, you don't have to be so nervous around me. It makes me feel nervous"

Right.. I shouldn't panic around someone who just lost their memory. "Forgive me" I said bowing.

"All is forgiven don't worry about it, by the way what exactly is a "Wangshu Inn? Is it an animal?" She asked.

"Far from it actually, it's a place people go to stay awhile, basically like a hotel" I said as we left Liyue harbor.

She awed in fascination. "Oh wait, you have one too" she pointed to my vision. "But yours is blue"

"Hm? Oh yes this is what Dr. Baizhu showed you earlier, a vision"

"That's so cool!" I smiled a bit.

After about 40 minutes give or take we made it to Wangshu Inn.

"Woah this place is beautiful!" She said admiring all of the pretty decor.

"Indeed it is, let's take the elevator up" she nodded as we both took the elevator to check in.

After we made reservations, I took her to her room. She jumped on the bed and fell looking relaxed. "Ah this is the life.."

I giggled at her humorous behavior. "Forgive me, but I have to be leaving now"

She sat up on her bed. "Where are you going?" "I have some business that I need to attend to, don't fret though, I'll come back as soon as I'm finished"

She seemed disappointed but understood. "I'll see you later then!" "Yes, later"

She held the door open for me as I thanked her and walked out.

Maybe she's nice after all.. I just hopes she gets better soon.


Frostbite- Ganyu x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now