Chapter 11 | It's Ready

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~3rd Person POV~

—-2 weeks later—

"Okay, we have fully analyzed the solution, ran a few tests, etc. Now it is complete" Albedo said.

"Wooo hoo! So that means once I drink it I'll get my memory back?" Y/N said scooting a bit closer in excitement.

"Not quite, the medicine is complete yes but it will still take some time to recover, though the process will be shorter" He responded.

"Oh.. I-I see, but that still means I can go see Ganyu right?"

"That depends"


"You'll need to get Jean's approval before leaving again, you DID disappear for 3 months without a trace.." his tone was bitter and cold-sounding but soft.

"Right..hehe.. sorry" Y/N scratched her neck nervously.

~Y/N's POV~

I forgot I had to convince Jean.. she probably wouldn't mind me going..

"Well, this potion isn't going to drink itself!" I said as I down the solution.

"Thanks Albedo" I said as I jumped out my seat. Then after that I left to go find Jean, which I learned her office is next to solitary confinement.

Strange..sometimes I swear I hear whines and bombs going off in there.

I got distracted and accidentally bumped into someone. "Argh.. oh! Sorry I- oh Jean it's you!" I said helping her back on her feet.

"Yes are you alright?" She asked me as she was dusting herself off. I nodded "Yeah I was actually looking for you"

"Looking for me? What is it- actually let's go into my office first."

We both walked into her office as she closed the door behind us and had a seat in her master's seat.

"Alright, what is it that you needed me for?" Jean asked once she adjusted into her seat.

"Oh well um.. you see I wanted to ask if I could get your permission to visit someone in Liyue again-"

"Absolutely not."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Y/N you disappeared for 3 months without a trace or contact. I've sent around twenty-three knights to go looking for you, which we hadn't gotten a single response. To top it all off, ever since you returned you've been acting strangely."

"Oh come on Jean I'll be fine! The person that I'm with is well trusted-"

"I'm sorry Y/N but the answer is still no. I've been trusted by your father to keep watch over you"

I was so upset. I wanted to cry out of frustration. Who even is my father?

I then heard her mumble "I shouldn't have never let you gone out to begin with.."

I stood from out my seat and ran out her office, of course hearing her yell my name.

It was so unfair, I understand that they were all worried but they see I'm okay now!

I slowed down a little to catch my breath only to be faced with a mirror. I took a look at it then started touching my face.

"Who are you?"

I shook it off then I returned to my room slumped into the deep mattress on my bed.

"Ganyu.. it seems like our four weeks will be longer than I had anticipated"

I held the gift close to my chest as I drifted to sleep.

"Ganyu..? Ganyu! Hey wait up! Wait...what are you doing? Hey don't do that! GANYU!!!"

I woke up suddenly and started panting and shaking uncontrollably.

What did I just see?


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