Chapter 8 | This is..goodbye?

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~Y/N's POV~

"You're not really miss Y/N, are you?" That question send shivers up my spine and goosebumps down my neck.

I quickly stood up "O-of course I am! Can't you tell?!" He shook his head "You're Y/N physically, not mentally obviously..which leads me to my next question how did this happen?"

His gaze went straight to Ganyu and without a second to spare he drew his sword at her neck.

"Hey what are you doing?!" "I have my suspicions that this woman is the reason why you lost your memory, why else would you need to have stayed in Liyue for three months? Jean, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Klee.. everyone in Monstadt was so worried about you that Jean had to send out search parties for you, when we didn't get a response back we all assumed you died!"

He got more furious as the sword pressed into Ganyu's neck more.

Ganyu didn't say anything, but I can see her trembling..her heavy breaths.. and her shaky eyes looking at me "NO STOP!!"

Without thinking I summoned my weapon and charged toward the guy. As if he expected it he disarmed me making me drop my weapon and him now aiming his sword at my neck.

It went quite for a second...maybe even minutes before he started smiling "My experiment was a success"

Both Ganyu and me looked dumbfounded. "Wha?" He removed the sword from my neck and put it away as he dusted himself off.

"Congratulations Y/N, you've passed" he applauded me. "Congrats on what?! You nearly killed me and Ganyu!" I was pissed.

"Sucrose, you can come out now" I then saw a timid looking girl with light green hair come out from behind a bookshelf. "Yes mister Albedo sir" Ah so his name is Albedo..

"Seriously what is going on here?!" I got in front of Ganyu in case they wanted to pick a fight.

"Well Y/N, I can see you know how to summon your weapon now" he said smiling again.

Ganyu pointed to my hands "He's right! Look!" I looked down to see my sword in my hands. "You're a geo sword!" She exclaimed. She seemed more thrilled than I was honestly.

"Now.. I don't think you're a bad person miss Ganyu was it? For all anyone knows it could be an accident or an attempt at murder, who knows?"

"Sucrose" "Yes mister Albedo?" "Make note of this; Y/N knows how to summon her weapon, She knows what her vision is, she now knows her title and her name, she also knows what region she's from..."

They spent an hour jotting down things that I have accomplished as me and Ganyu explained what I learned while staying in Liyue.

"So, I guess I can't call you N/N anymore now huh?" Ganyu said playfully elbowing my arm.

"Hehe guess not, I'm now known as Y/N, third in command Knight of Favonius" I said proudly as I put my hands on my hips, which Ganyu giggled in response.

"Alright that's settled, now more importantly miss Ganyu, do you know when and how miss Y/N lost her memory?" Albedo questioned as he motioned Sucrose to start writing down whatever Ganyu had to say.

"Ah right.. miss Y/N here took on three axe wielding mitachurls while trying to rescue a trapped traveler. I uh joined in to assist her which one of them injured her head from behind" she said looking down.. if I didn't know any better it looked as if she felt... guilty?

"I see..thank you for your honesty miss Ganyu. Now, me and my student sucrose here will try to work on a substance of some sort to restore your memory.. or at the very least make the recovery quicken." He stood up and walked away.

"In the meantime miss Y/N, you must remain here in Monstadt, at least until the serum is complete" he was gathering tubes.

"Great! How long will take exactly?" I said as me and Ganyu were holding each other's hands anxiously and exited.

Albedo motioned her to tell us the time "Sucrose." Sucrose walked up to us "according to my calculations and estimates.. it should take a month at most"

A month..?

All I could do is look at Ganyu with despair. A month without her? I won't see or hear from her at all for an entire month.

I also saw the look on her face that looked sad. I didn't want her to feel bad especially since it won't be forever.

I flicked her forehead. "Oww" she held her head with both her hands. She whined "Y/N! That hurt" then I hugged her.

"Don't worry Ganyu it's only a month if it makes you feel better.. only think of it as four weeks if that helps some." I giggled nervously.

She took a while to hug back but she did "Yeah..just a month"

"Alright, we can see you out of Monstadt if you like" both Albedo and Sucrose joined us.

"Right, that would be most pleasant"

We all walked out of that freezing area and back to the front gates of Monstadt. It felt weird to see Ganyu walk away from me and only looking back once to wave.

Then I remembered the souvenir I bought for her. "Wait Ganyu!" I ran up to her. "What is it Y/N?"


"I uh.. wanted to give you a fist bump!" I fist bumped her hand nervously and laughed.

"O..okay! Well I'll see you some time around Y/N?" She walked away as I seen her walk further and further out of my sight I regretted not giving her the flower, but the time didn't feel right.. it felt rushed.

"Shit..only four months...remember."

I walked back inside with Albedo and Sucrose, looking back only to see Ganyu completely out of sight.


————2 weeks later————

"Y/N, Aether and Paimon are waiting outside for their training" Jean informed me.

"Yes ma'am" I walked out her office. Albedo and Sucrose taught me the basic things I should know so I can at least PRETEND I know everything. I'm thankful for them. Albedo had to make an believable excuse as to why I was gone for so long which no one dared define him because of how serious he always seem to be.

"Yo Y/N!" I saw Aether and Paimon waking/floating towards me. "Oh hello you two, ready to clash swords again?" I said summoning my sword.

We were training for about two hours. "You're getting quicker Aether" I said helping him back on his feet.

"Yeah? You aren't too bad yourself" he dusted himself off. He continued "Hey.. come with us for a second" Paimon and Aether walked away.

"Uh.. okay" I caught up with them.


(A/N: Bye bye Ganyu :( Don't fret my comrades.. one day.. we'll see her again soon)

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