leaving - jack grealish

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: jack moved to manchester city :/ :

We're sitting in the living room, for the fifth time today, making sure his decision is the best choice.

"Man city is massive, it's really good, will i be good there?" He asks me, his eyes desperately searching for help.

"Yes you will be good there, Jack. Is that what you want to do?"

"But i've been with Aston Villa my whole life..." He leads off.

"Yeah, so this will be a new experience."

"Help me i don't know if this is the right choice." Jack whines, taking my hands into his and resting his head in my lap.

"Okay, so the pros, you know a few of the players, ManCity is successful, it'd be a new experience for you, you could have more opportunities to improve. The cons, you've been with Aston Villa since you were a child, you're captain, all of your memories are there. But i think you should go for it Jack, this is amazing."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, of course i do. But i understand about your doubts."

"Will you come with me while i confirm it all."

"When do i not?" I ask rhetorically, earning a small smile from Jack.

We move together to a different part of the sofa, more comfortable where Jack places his head on my stomach.

He places gentle kisses on my stomach, arms wrapped around my waist keeping him close.

I understand his confusion, he knows he's going to let a lot of people down either way, but regardless, this is his career he needs to be caring for.

My hand tangled in his messy hair, massaging his scalp, soothing his worries temporarily.

Jack's body jolts against mine, my shirt becoming dampened slightly.

"Don't cry, love." I attempt to calm him.

Jack will never cry in front of me unless it's a bad situation or something that's causing him a lot of stress, in a way, it allows me to know he trusts me to accompany him during his hard times.

"Baby, it'll be okay." I continue massaging his scalp. "Jack, talk to me."

"I don't know what to do." He sobs, not moving his head.

"Come here." I say, opening my arms for him to move further up.

He does, resting his head in the crook of my neck, arms wrapped around me. I toss my arms over his shoulders holding him close.

"You've just got to trust your gut, Jack. You've been with Villa for like nineteen years, do you want a new experience?"

"Maybe, but i don't wanna leave everything behind."

"You're not. You have amazing friends at Villa and they'll always be there for you. Besides, it's always going to be apart of you."

"Don't make me cry, it's embarrassing."

"It's not embarrassing, you can cry to me."

"I know but i should be the one letting you cry on my shoulder."

"Stereotypical, but right now, it's about you."

He doesn't answer, but pulls himself closer if it's possible, his hot breath fanning my neck, hair tickling me.

"I'm going to go to bed." Jack announces, making me check the time to realise it's only 7:40pm. "Do you want to come with me?" He mumbles.

"If you want me to."

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