pasta and ketchup - timo werner

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: timo, your boyfriend is insisting you try his favourite meal :

"Please, just one bit." He bargains while stirring a pot of boiling pasta.

"No, Timo. Absolutely not." I shake my head, refusing to give it a chance.

"Why? I eat things you do that i would never before."

"I feed you normal things."

"Just one bit." He tries again, walking over and hugging me. "You eat it with tomato sauce, it's the same."

"It's really not." I chuckle.

I look up to match eyes with the boy, his eyes soft and wide.

"If you love me, you will." He eventually says.

I mentally curse myself for using that phrase with him too often, we both know it's a joke, but at the same time, it's taken seriously.


"Only one." I roll my eyes, nodding my head slowly.

"Only one, no more." A huff leaves my mouth.

Timo's face lights up happily, a grin spreading across his cheeks, he leans down to peck my lips before returning back to the pan.

"I would've done that a lot sooner if i knew that was all it took."

"I hate you."

"Mm, okay." He cocks an eyebrow, draining the pasta into the sink.

Steam clouds the area, burning Timo's hand.

"Scheisse" He curses under his breath.

I watch him as he pours the pasta into a bowl, dumbing ketchup into it as well.

My face crumples at the sight, making me feel physically sick. Not to be dramatic or anything, but i don't even like ketchup.

Timo takes a seat next to me, pushing the bowl in front of me.

"I cant." I furrow my brows.

"It's not that bad, just eat a piece." I sigh, frowning.

Reluctantly, i take the fork to pick up a single piece of pasta.

I eventually eat it, placing it in my mouth slowly. The taste of tomato sauce overpowers the pasta.

I look to the side of me, to see Timo watching with some form of hope in his eyes.

I must say, i have no idea where he got this ketchup pasta from but it is not what he hypes it up to be. As soon as it's possible, i swallow the food.

"I don't like ketchup."

"I know." He giggles. "Did you like it?"

"No, i don't like ketchup, it was too overpowering."

"You are not this Gordon Ramsay, okay?"

I laugh at him, patting his head before saying. "One day you might, just not with that."

"You're so mean." He frowns, taking the bowl back.

a/n: a very quick one hahah i saw the clip of him talking about it so i wrote

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