look after you - mason mount

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Mason is sick leaving you and your daughter to take care of him. Not only has he gone and injured himself in training but he's caught some sort of cold bug from your daughter.

As much as he denies it, he is a huge baby and wants you to just look after him all the time.

Before you had Ayla, he would constantly be under your touch whether it was your hand in his or just your leg resting over him.

And now you're expecting another child so as much as he wants you to rest he doesn't particularly want your attention away from him.

He's laying on the sofa, leg resting on a couple of pillows and a box of tissues by his side as the tv hums one of his favourite movies.

"Feeling okay?" You ask, kneeling on the floor to be able to see him properly.

"I'm fine, sit down." He tells you, patting the spot beside him.

As much as he loves the attention he's receiving, he still cares for the fact you are going through a pregnancy and as the "man of the house" he would rather be the one looking after you.

"Are you sure? Want a drink?"

"No, i want you to sit down."

"I'll sit down with you." Ayla smiles, jumping inches away from Masons injury. The both of you flinch in order to stop her before giving each other the same look.

"Ayla, you need to be careful of his leg." You explain. "He's got a poorly leg, you know that."

"Sorry." She apologises to Mason, resting her head on him.

"It's fine, baby." He smiles softly.

He breaks off his sentence with a cough, followed by a continuous chain which he holds a hand up as he recovers signalling he's fine.

"Mase, you need to take the medicine." You tell him, since you offered him some which is meant to help however he refused to take it.

"I don't want to."

"You're an adult, just take it." You almost laugh at him, pressing a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room and returning with the correct medicine and a glass of water.

Honestly, it doesn't taste the best but if he's wanting to get better soon he needs to take it.

You pour the liquid on a spoon before scooping it into his mouth, he gives a disgusted look before swallowing it quickly.

"Okay, i have taken it now. Please just sit down." He pouts.

"Why? Mason i'm fine."

"You're pregnant."

"I know." You chuckle. "I'll sit with you for a bit, okay?"

Mason nods, smiling softly as you sit beside him and pull his head to rest on you. You can hear the low hum emerging from his lips as you massage the back of his head.

"I don't want to make you ill." He says, pulling away from you.

"It's alright, if i'm going to get ill from you i'll get it either way." You reply, bringing his head back down as you place a soft kiss in his hair.

"What about the baby?"

"Mase, it's fine. Stop worrying."

He sighs, looking up at you as you match his gaze. His brown eyes stare at you softly projecting nothing except from love and admiration.

"I'll look after you too, daddy." Ayla smiles.

"Thanks, darling." You notice the grin tugging at his lips.

"How's your leg?" You ask him.

"Still hurting a bit, it'll be okay though."

"Let me get you an ice pack."

"No, just stay here."

"Why wont you just let me look after you?" You question.

"Because, i'm fine." He holds a hand out for you to take which you do, rubbing your thumb along his skin delicately. "Could you pass me a tissue though, please?"

You nod, leaning to retrieve the box of tissues before handing them to him.

Mason lays his head back on you, allowing you to scratch his head or tickle his back as he slowly drifts off into a sleep.

He wakes up not too long after due to Ayla deciding she'd rather play with toys now and although she was being quiet his eyes still opened.

You cant help but smile back when he softly smirks at you, face soft and puffy as he presses a kiss to your hand.

"Feeling okay?" You ask, earning a very unconvincing and sleepy nod in response. "Let me get up."

He shuffles to the side to allow you to stand up, watching as you trail out of the room and return a few minutes later with some things you got for him.

You rest the ice pack on his leg and hand him the rest of the stuff.

You sit back down, Masons head resting on your lap as Ayla comes to lay underneath your arm as you all flick through to select another movie.

Sometimes sick days can be good days, just being at home, spending time and looking after the ones you love.

a/n: not too sure if i like how i wrote this but it's fine

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