left out - mason mount

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Mason stayed over at Declan's tonight, they went out and it was most likely they'd be out all night so Mason didn't want to come home and wake up either of the kids.

You and Mason both have a daughter together and you have a son who is from a previous relationship although Mason treats him just like his own.

Both children should now be asleep but you check in their rooms anyway before you go to bed, your daughter is sound asleep but your son is not.

You approach the boy, kneeling next to his bed as he lifts his head up to look at you.

"You need to go to sleep." You run your hand over his head.

He just ignores you, pressing his head further into his pillow.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"Daddy doesn't like me anymore." He tells you.

You immediately know who he's talking about since he doesn't see his own dad and does call Mason dad all of the time as Mason practically raised him anyway.

Your son is aware Mason isn't his real dad but he has never appeared very bothered and it hasn't changed his relationship with him.

You're pretty taken aback, something so random and what has never been a worry has come up out of the blue.

"Why do you think that?"

"He likes the baby more than me now."

"No he doesn't." You shake your head. "He's been more busy but he still loves you."

"He doesn't, he likes the baby more than me." He insists.

"He doesn't, baby. Go to sleep now, we will talk to him tomorrow." You kiss his head and tuck him back into bed.

The next morning, the three of you are just waiting for Mason to come home.

Both of your children snuggle into you as you watch one of your son's favourite cartoons, the baby seeming interested by the bright colours also.

"I'll talk to daddy, okay?" You turn your son, getting a nod in reply.

You're still confused on how he has actually gathered the fact Mason "doesn't like him" when in reality you can tell the amount of love Mason truly projects for him.

If you weren't in love with Mason when you first met, you definitely were when you introduced the two of them.

They immediately got along, your son practically clung onto him the entire night just when he was a baby.

Mason then made so much effort to see him regularly, bringing toys and more no matter how much you told him not to.

Mason is finally home again and abnormally, your son barley even flinched. A large change from only a few nights ago when he'd be wriggling about the entire day just waiting for him to arrive home.

"Hiya." Mason smiles, popping his head around the door, met by his family.

He comes to sit next to you, leaning into you for a kiss. Then, he takes the baby in one hand and opens his his other arm for your son who reluctantly sits under his grip.

"You alright, bud?" He asks, noticing the change in his behaviour.

Your son nods, not paying so much attention although Mason turns to you with a confused look on his face.

You signal that you will tell him outside of the room which he understands, telling your son you both will be back and placing your daughter in her cot in the living room.

He follows you through to the kitchen, taking a seat beside you at the breakfast table.

"What's up then?"

"Last night, he told me he thinks you don't like him anymore." You explain. "Because of the new baby."

"Why does he think that?"

"You don't spend much time together anymore, i understand why but he clearly doesn't."

"Oh." Mason exhales, probably thinking about what to do.

"Just go talk to him." You suggest.

Mason nods walking off into the living room and returning with the boy in his arms. He places him on the counter between the both of you and holds his legs to make sure he doesn't fall.

"Are you upset?" Mason asks.

He shrugs. The entire time he's been with Mason it's been no words or one worded answer.

"Talk to me." Mason tells him. "Are you sad because we haven't had much time together?"

"Yes." He replies simply.

"Okay. So how about tomorrow we go out, yeah? We can do anything you want to. Would that make you feel better?" Mason questions.

While Mason is talking to him, you can see just how much he cares for your sons feelings and emotions, even if he is just a child.

You're forever grateful at the fact Mason deals with him so well, truly treating him like one of his own, making sure he's getting the same amount of love and affection.

"Yeah!" He cheers happily, leaping to fall on Masons lap.

"Now, are you that happy because we're going to be together or because you're going to spend my money?" Mason asks jokingly, grinning at the boy who doesn't answer and just laughs instead.

Mason leans in to kiss his head before putting him back down on the floor.

"Just because there's a baby doesn't mean we don't love you, okay?" He tells him, ruffling up his hair. "Don't go sulky on us."

Your son giggles before running away, presumably back to the living room and Mason turns to you with a smile.

"Sorted." He says happily, leaning forward to peck your lips.

a/n: i love raising my little wattpad children. this hasn't been proof read, sorry!

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