is it a lie? - marcus rashford

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: you and marcus have an argument :
( the request didn't give me a specific topic they would've liked the argument to be about so i hope this is okay! )

"So, is it a lie?" Marcus asks you, clearly agitated with the laughter shared between you and Jesse tonight.

Marcus invited you to a sort of party although ever since you joked about the fact that you used to have a tiny crush on Jesse which was way before you and Marcus even met.

"Is what a lie?" You sigh, taking off your coat and hang in it up.

"You still like Jesse, don't you?"

"Don't be stupid."

"You were all over him tonight, practically undressing him with your eyes. Should've just gone home with him tonight."

"Do you know how delusional that sounds? So i cant even laugh with your friends anymore?"

"I never said that."

"But you're accusing me of cheating on you? With your best friend, may i add. Do you not trust me or Jesse?"

"Obviously i trust him."

"So you trust him but not me?" You question further.

It's obvious that he's worried about the close friendship you and Jesse have. But that's not the problem, you told him you found Jesse attractive years ago and that's when he began to lose trust in you.

The worst thing is, you were completely joking about it. Telling him how strange it is and that now you see Jesse as a best friend. But Marcus still is clearly suspicious, if that's even the word.

But as time passes and Marcus is still silent, not answering your question verbally, his reaction says enough.

"Right, i'm the problem?"

"No." Marcus answers quickly.

"But you don't trust me?"

"I didn't say that."

"You also didn't not say that."

"You can't understand where i'm coming from, though? You told me you found Jesse attractive."

"I also told you i found him attractive many years ago, before we even met."

"Doesn't mean anything."

"Seriously?" You stare at him in shock, shaking your head. "Okay, if that's how you feel."

You get your coat on again, leaving the house for the second time this evening.

"Maybe i should go see Jesse. I'm sure he trusts me more than my own boyfriend." You force a smile and leave with a final slam of the door.

As much as you'd love Marcus to stop you, he doesn't.

Maybe that was the last thing you needed, the final straw to show what you and Marcus would come to the conclusion to.

Obviously you don't want to speak too soon, maybe it's just an argument but if he truly doesn't trust you, a relationship won't work.

There's nothing you hate more than walking alone at night, which is why you're regretting leaving the house in the first place.

You open your phone, in attempt to ring someone just for reassurance but Marcus's name pops up multiple times.

After taking a breath, you answer his call.

"Hello?" He says down the phone. "Hello?"


"Hi, hi, i'm so sorry. Where are you?"

"Just out."

"Out where?"


"What do you mean why? It's dark outside and you left the house alone."

"You're not my parent."

"I know, but - just tell me where you are so i can pick you up."

"I'm near the river."

"Okay, i'm getting in the car now. I wont be long."

You end the phone with a beep, standing under a streetlight while you wait for Marcus. As much as you'd like to avoid him right now, the both of you know that it isn't particularly safe to go out when it's dark.

His car pulls up not long after, he pulls up and jumps out of the drivers side, coming towards you.

"I'm sorry."

"Okay." You nod, walking off to get into the car.

"Deserved that." Marcus mumbles, also getting back into the vehicle. "I do trust you."

"You definitely show that."

"I promise it's not that i don't trust you, but what if you still did like Jesse."

"I don't though and i've told you that many times."

"Yes, i get that but then at the same time i just worry one day you will like Jesse again."

"I can understand that, you can't just act how you did though. If you don't believe what i tell you, that's fine and but you should also know that this won't work."

"I know, i promise i trust you."

"Then start to prove it."

"I will."

It's only now you're realising Marcus hasn't even began to drive home yet, you've just been sitting out beside the dimly lit streetlight.

His hand rests lightly on your knee as he begins to drive the pair of you home, not taking long to pull into your driveway.

Marcus attempts to make it up to you with endless cups of teas and watching plenty of your favourite movies with you. Although you'd love to forgive him completely you can't help but think about the fact he doesn't trust you.

Just because he said he does trust you, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. But also in the same breath, after all of this time, surely there must be some trust.


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