inattentive - mason mount

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: mason is too focused on football that he doesn't realise his girlfriend is unwell (nothing too serious) :

I sit on the sofa, a box of tissues by my side, blankets covering my body, hot water bottle on my stomach, yet a fan blowing cold air at me.

Mason has been working a lot, training, basically focusing his life on playing, coming home only to go back out again to play or play video games with his friends all evening.

Obviously, i expect him to be focusing on football, considering it's his career but, i don't even think he's realised i'm unwell.

He walks through the door, allowing it to slam shut behind him.

"Hiya." He says not even looking in my direction, taking himself through to his gaming room.

I don't bother to reply, just waiting to see how long it'll take him to notice.

"I think i'm gonna go out and play with Declan, is there anything i can eat?" He asks, once again, not looking at the sofa at all. "Are you ignoring me all night, or what?"

After i don't reply, i see his head go round the corner, i don't look at him, instead just keeping my eyes on my phone, scrolling through instagram.

"Right, well if you're not even going to make the effort to look at me, i'm going." Mason announces, i scoff at him. "What?"

"Me not making effort?" I ask, my voice sounding weird due to my blocked nose.

"You're not even looking at me, also why have you got a blanket and a fan on?"

"Just go, Mason."

"Fine." He walks off, his footsteps stop though, him tracing back his steps. "You sure?"


"Right, see you later then."

I roll my eyes, the fact he didn't even notice anything, except the blanket and the fan. Recently, he's become so weird, he's always playing football or playing games upstairs. I know how bad it sounds, perhaps he's cheating, but he's not, i get pictures of him daily.

Sure, they make me smile seeing him doing what he loves, i want Mason to be doing things he enjoys, but there's a limit, where you don't even realise your girlfriend is ill.

Roughly an hour later, he comes back, which is unusual since he's been going for longer usually.

He brings himself into the living room, taking off his boots, sitting on a chair nearby.

"What's wrong with you?"

I don't reply, i just throw a glare at him, he looks up at me, properly seeing me.

"God, what happened?"

"I'm just ill, i'm sure you'd know if you actually would take some time out of your day to ask."

"I'm sorry, i really didn't know. I've just been caught up preparing for the game."

I laugh. "Clearly."

He walks over to sit beside me. "I should've known. I should've asked, i haven't been spending enough time with you lately."

He pulls me over to be on his lap.

"Mason, no, you'll get ill."

"Doesn't matter." I hesitantly rest my head on him while he plays with my hair, tickling my back as he does so.

"No, seriously, you won't be able to play." He shushes me, cradling me in his arms.

"I don't know how i didn't notice." Mason mumbles, as if he is talking to himself.

I stay quiet, focusing my attention on the tv, playing a movie i chose.

Mason lays down, still holding me close to him, i look up to him feeling the movement and he smiles slightly, kissing me.

I immediately pull away, having told him enough i don't want him to get sick, but the second time, he holds my cheeks so i have no chance of getting out of his grip, smiling when he pulls away, placing a few more kisses across my face.

"Im sorry." He mumbles against my skin.

"You didn't know." I reply.

"But i should've." He places his head in my neck. "Your nose is red."

"Really? I would have never known." He hums back, pulling me closer to him, i sigh, knowing he's going to get sick and be unable to play.

But despite me telling him, he ignores it, not moving, intertwining his legs with mine so i have no room to escape.

I notice he's asleep when his breathing deepens, hitting my shoulder, his nose grazing against my neck.

a/n: kinda short again ahh but the next one i have a lot to write for!

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