upset - ben chilwell

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: ben being upset about something and even though you're good at communicating he bottles things up often :

Usually, bad moods Ben has passes over after about an hour. But today, he's been walking around like the entire world is against him.

A loud clatter comes from the kitchen followed by...

"Fuck!" He groans.

He shouts so loud it's probably heard around the entire house.

I decide to leave him to it for now, him clearly being in a worse mood and i don't want to have him feeling bad.

Once he's finished cleaning the kitchen, i presume. He goes back upstairs, slamming the door behind him.

I shake my head. Feeling like i'm at home with my brothers and they've lost some sort of video game.

I go into our room where Ben is, sitting, head back and rubbing his face. I've only gone in to get my charger but i can't resist from asking if he's okay.

Ben doesn't look okay. However, i also know he has a tendency to bottle up all of his feelings.

He says he doesn't want to worry me or involve me into his problems but i seriously don't mind.

"You okay?" I ask sitting at the edge of the bed, unplugging my charger head.

"Yes, i'm fine. I'll come down in a bit." Ben replies, clearly not fine.

"Do you want me to leave you?"

"Leave me? What, no, why would you say that?" He stammers, removing his head from his hands.

His eyes look red and he looks overall exhausting and annoyed even.

"I didn't mean leave you, i meant, do you want to be alone?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

Before i leave, i give him a kiss on the cheek, doing my best to not be too full on.

I rack my brain trying to figure out what's got him so agitated but i can't think of anything at all.

I waste my time watching my current show on Netflix.

It's itching me to go and see whats wrong with Ben, because he does need to learn to communicate and share his feelings with me. That's how a relationship will work.

He comes down after a while, but not coming into the living room, instead going to the kitchen again.

I stand up, following the noise of slamming cupboards to reveal Ben.

"Ben." I saw softly, standing at the door.

"What?" He replies, some attitude in his voice.

"Tell me what's wrong." I walk up to him.

"Nothing is wrong, i'm fine."

I raise my eyebrows, resting my head on his arm.

"Talk to me." He looks down at me, almost biting his lip.

"I'm fine!" He snaps, walking away, holding himself over the sink, rubbing his forehead.

"You need to learn how to communicate, come on." I rub his lower back, guiding him to the stools over the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbles.

"Look at me."

Ben turns his head to look at me, many emotions visible on his face, making it hard to figure out which one he is actually feeling.

I take his hand in mine, his love language is touch, it comforts him.

Just simply holding my hand or a hug releases a lot of stress some how.

"You don't have to talk about it, alright? I'm not going to force you but you do have to learn how to communicate."

"I know, but i don't want to tell you everything because you'll worry."

I shake my head, pulling him into a hug.

His arms wrap around my torso and head rests on my shoulder, his breathing hitting my neck. My hand rests in his hair, slowly massaging his head, placing a kiss where i can reach.

Neither of us talk, or move. We just allow ourselves to be in each other's embrace.

Ben is the first to pull away, looking straight into my eyes. His own eyes are soft, relaxed.

"I didn't mean to snap at you."

"I know, it's okay."

His lips curve into a smile, the first smile i've seen from him today.

He moves his hand to cup my cheek before bringing me in to a kiss.

"I love you so much, you know that, right? I didn't mean to snap at you i know you're only trying to help-"

"Ben. I know, it's okay, i already told you. I love you too."

Ben stands up, pulling me into a hug, lifting me from the floor due to our height difference, my legs wrap around his waist.

He takes us over to the couch, falling on his back, my body still laid over his.

Ben continues hugging me, showing no sign of letting go, he places repeated kisses on my temple, rubbing his thumb up and down my back.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" I ask once again.

"Yes i'm just worried." He admits.


"Like, everything. There's to much to do and we have important games soon."

"You'll do great. Panicking will make it a lot worse. Just try your hardest."

"I know and i will but still."

I shake my head at him, smiling.


"You're just funny, its cute how you worry about everything."

"You say that everything is cute." He shakes his head.

"You are."

"I know i am."

He smiles widely, showing his teeth.

I let out a laugh, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose causing him to laugh as well.

Bad day, ended well.

Like it always does, considering neither of us can stay in a bad mood when the other one is around.

a/n: healthy relationships >

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