what its like dating - jude bellingham

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- soft kisses

- would rather stay and watch movies with you all day than go out

- always makes sure he has you laughing when you're upset

- brings you over to his parents a lot

- loves when you get along with his friends, he likes to see his favourite people also finding something in common to be friends

- would probably hug you a lot, never really caring where you are

- laughs at everything

- having a private but not a secret relationship, which you both find works really well especially with his growing profile

- plays with your hair

- he enjoys when you take him to visit your family because it shows him a sign that you're very confident in the relationship

- both of you never really getting jealous from the insane amount of trust in each other

- always making sure you're at every one of his games

- he'll find you in the crowd to throw you a subtle wink or blow a kiss

- always finding a way to bring you up in conversation and the boys tease him for it all the time

- having genuine conversations with him about literally anything

- makes sure you text him when you arrive anywhere so he knows you're safe

- rarely ever argues unless he actually has a really good reason

a/n: i'm so sorry this is quite short but i'm not too familiar with judes personality so i really struggled with this one

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