i care - mason mount pt3

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It's been a few weeks since yours and Masons "relationship", you're not a couple however there's definitely a change in your actions with each other.

Even Declan has noticed, there's clearly not as much hatred between the two of you and definitely not as much complaining when you know you're going to see each other, in fact there's none.

He's clearly suspicious about it but just shrugged it off that you just decided to be more mature maybe.

You and Mason have been staying at each other's house continuously, like you can barley leave each other alone.

Today, Declan set up another evening out. It's only to get dinner somewhere. He even added in the fact it's only you and Mason who were invited and you let out a small, unconvincing groan.

But really, your heart began to flutter slightly and you were fighting to keep a grin off of your face.

You and Mason are finally ready, taking a picture together for when Declan does know and you can post together.

"You look good." He comments, taking a step back to view you fully.

"Thanks." You smile, heat beginning to rise to your cheeks.

"Pose for me." He tells you, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

You smile, giving him a pose so he can take the picture.

"Right, let's go." Mason offers you a hand which you take.

You've decided to take just his car although he's going to get out first and you'll join a few minutes after.

You both know that today is the day you'll tell Dec so you're both obviously nervous.

"What do you think he's going to say?" You ask Mason, bouncing your leg slightly.

"I think he's going to laugh." Mason shrugs, not appearing very bothered.

"You sound unbothered." You mumble back.

"I am," he replies. "He won't mind i promise."

You nod, understanding that Declan probably won't care how he probably already has a list of questions ready to ask.

"In fact, he's probably going to be relieved he doesn't have to worry about us ruining days he invites us to."

It's not such a long drive so you arrive not too long after this conversation. Mason gives you a small kiss before leaving, handing you his car keys to lock the car when you get out.

You wait a couple of minutes before walking out and going inside. The table is around the back of the building although it's next to a window so at least there's a nice view.

The only seat open is next to Mason so you take it, trying your hardest to suppress your smile.

"Hello." You softly grin at Declan and Lauren.

"Hiya." They both greet you.

You take your seat and begin looking through the menu. After you all order you can tell the question is coming, projected by the fact the couple are constantly sharing not so subtle looks with each other.

Mason nudges you with his foot, catching your attention. He nods slightly which you believe his him asking if you should tell them.

"We've got a question." Declan eventually says, breaking the silence.

"Go on." You reply even though you already know what the question is.

"Is there something going on between you?" He asks. "I mean, you never complain when i tell you you're gonna see each other."

"We changed our opinions." Mason speaks for the both of you.

"So..?" Declan leads off, obviously wanting further information.

"We're not together but not - not together." Mason adds on.

"I knew it." Declan laughs. "Swear you both hated each other a few weeks ago."

"Sort of." You reply.

"We're happy for you." Lauren smiles at the both of you.

"Thank you." You and Mason say at the same time.

"That's so funny," Declan is still in a fit of laughter. "I cant believe you're together after all that saying you hate each other."

"We're not together." You correct him.

"Yet." Mason adds, giving you a wink.

You smirk at him, shaking your head.

"Nah, but i am happy for you. That's brilliant."

You and Mason smile at each other, his hand resting softly on your knee.

Really, you're quite in disbelief you and Mason went from absolutely hating each other to be with each other practically all of the time.

a/n: couldn't think how dec should react

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